When your Instagram page was small, you knew everyone who followed you. You were in charge of approving who followed you. For the most part, it was friends, family, and the occasional person you met at a random party. These days, your Instagram page is open. Your following is pretty sizable and getting bigger. Now you’re wondering how to tell if someone follows you on Instagram.
It’s not as easy as it used to be, and we understand why this would concern you. There are some weird people out there who are keeping tabs on other people. Some people who follow you may not be fans of yours. They could be following to make notes to copy what you do.
Or, they could be lurking in the shadows with some nefarious intentions. As a matter of safety, you want to know how to tell if someone is following you on Instagram.
We can help you with that. Read this article to learn the methods that creators are using. We promise to have a balanced approach. We will tell you about how feasible these methods are.

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How To See Who Unfollowed You on Instagram: 2 Popular Methods
You see your list of followers declining. Unfortunately, you have too many followers to pinpoint who left. Still, you are very curious to know the people who no longer want to hear from you.
Naturally, you want to know how to see who unfollowed you on Instagram. Here are two methods you can use.
1. Find Out Manually
Is there an easy way to find who unfollowed on Instagram? Unfortunately, Instagram does not send you a notification when somebody unfollows you. It’s not like when you get a notification when someone follows you. We imagine that this would become tedious after some time.
Finding out who follows you is something you’re going to have to do manually. If you suspect somebody unfollowed you, just go to the search bar and type in their Instagram handle. Tap on their profile icon when it comes up.
If it doesn’t come up, there is a chance that they blocked you. In that instance, you have your answer. IG would have automatically removed them as your followers.
If you go to their page and see their follower count, tap on it. In their follower count, search your Instagram handle. If your handle does not come up, they no longer follow you. That is how to see who follows who on Instagram.
2. Use a Third-Party App (at Your Own Risk)
It can be tedious to do this on every Instagram account. This is why there are so many apps that promise to tell you who unfollowed your account. These are external applications. In other words, there are third-party applications that Instagram did not sanction.
If Instagram doesn’t create them, there is always a risk of giving your information to them. We advise you to consider using extreme caution with third-party apps like InstaFollowers. Try to avoid giving out personal information about Instagram. Where possible, use safe methods of payment.
Also, these apps may not work retroactively. They may be able to tell who unfollows going forward. Unfollowers who preceded the app installation may remain a secret. If IG makes major changes, who knows if these apps will be able to keep up?

How To See Who Doesn’t Follow You Back on Instagram May Not Be Important
We understand why you might be curious about the people who left your community. You work so hard to build your following, and they disappear one by one. However, this may not be very important. We will tell you why you shouldn’t stress about how to see who doesn’t follow you back on Instagram.
You want to have a following full of people who want to be there. Ideally, you want to keep around the people that will interact with your content.
They should like, comment on, and share your posts with other people. This isn’t just because it makes you feel good. It’s because it positively impacts your engagement rate.
By now, you should know that your engagement rate is very important to the growth of your Instagram page. Followers who don’t interact with your content negatively impact your engagement rate. You arrive at your engagement rate by calculating the interaction on your page in terms of your follower count.
A following full of people who don’t interact won’t help your statistics very much. If they choose to leave, consider them doing you a favor. Your page will be better off for it. Your engagement rate would benefit from having the remaining people be active followers.
Now, you should go on to focus on the followers who choose to stay. Interact with them in the comment section. Respond to their Instagram DMs as much as possible. And don’t forget to interact with them on your Instagram Stories!

Can People See if You Look at Their Instagram? Breaking Down Several Segments of IG
Yes, people see when you see some parts of their Instagram. But this doesn’t go for everything. It depends on what part of Instagram we are referring to. Before Instagram, people were comfortable not knowing everything.
These days, people keep us aware of their every move. Do you want to know what a person is up to? Maybe they posted on their Story today.
However, you may not want them to know you are keeping up with them. This is why people ask, “Can people see if you look at their Instagram?” Let’s talk about the different aspects of Instagram and the privacy regulations for each.
1. Instagram Stories
Instagram keeps track of everyone who watches your Story. They show you the list of viewers for your convenience. If you have a private Instagram, only those who follow you can watch your Stories. This is unless you have hidden your Stories from a particular person.
If you have a public Instagram account, people don’t need to follow you to watch your Stories. Anyone with an account can see it. This is unless you have blocked them from seeing your Stories altogether. So long as they watch the Story, Instagram will inform you.
Perhaps you have a close friends list on Instagram. Only the members of this list can watch your Stories. This is not how to know if someone follows you on Instagram.
Do you want to know how to see this list? Go to your Instagram Stories. Tap on the profile picture if a Story is currently live. Now that you see the Story on your screen, swipe up.
Now you see the list of everyone who’s watching a Story. Instagram regularly refreshes this list as more people watch your Story.
2. Instagram Feed
Your Instagram feed is the collection of photos and Reels on your page. So, you want to know if Instagram tells you when someone scrolls your feed? The truth is that Instagram does not tell you this information.
If you have a public page, people can scroll your Instagram page as they like. This is unless you have explicitly blocked a certain page.
Instagram will not inform you of the accounts that visited your page, even if your page is private. It’s best just to assume that your followers have viewed your Instagram feed. If you were to block a follower, they would no longer have access to your Instagram feed.
Visitors are free to come and go without you detecting them. All you can do is hope that they accidentally slip and like a photo. Otherwise, you will have no clue that someone visited your page.
3. Reels
As you know, Instagram Reels can rack up to millions of views. Instagram knows this. It could be why they have not promised to keep a record of all the Reels viewers. You can also watch an Instagram Reel as many times as you like.
The creator does not get a list of viewers. The closest thing they get is a breakdown of the Reel’s viewership in their Instagram Insights.

You Won’t Need To Know How To Tell if Someone Follows You on Instagram
Do you want to draw a huge following on social media? Well, you have to become comfortable with the idea that you can’t keep track of all your followers. Along this journey, you may gain followers, and you may lose them. You just have to trust the process.
We hope that along the way, you align yourself with the people who want to be on your page. Trust that you surround yourself with genuine members of your community.
Building a following on social media platforms this way will take time. If you don’t want to take the easy way out, you may need some professional help. Luckily, at Plixi, we have some help to give you.
We are an excellent social media growth platform. We have the tools that you will need for your page in the long term. There is an in-house platform for Instagram influencers.
They get excellent support from an advanced AI targeting algorithm. When we combine these tools, we get excellent results.
We want to help your page grow as well. Maybe you won’t know how to tell if someone follows you on Instagram. But you can trust that those following you will engage with your content. Those are the kinds of followers that we plan to get for you.
Are you ready to start growing your page? Contact a growth expert at Plixi!
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