We live in an age where some of us have extreme loyalty to celebrities we have never met. Who can blame them? They are so abnormally talented. Unfortunately, these are celebrities they may never meet. Some of us create fan accounts to satisfy our interest in these virtual strangers.
The people who do it load pages with photos, videos, and recent updates on famous people. An Instagram fan account is one way to show you have achieved stardom.
Do you have a celebrity in mind? It may be a pleasure to create a business profile Instagram account for the celebrity you love. That way, you can ensure that the page is successful. You can keep track of the follower activity and post content that people want to see. You can give your celebrity crush the visibility that they deserve. You can even create a community of like-minded people.
You’re not a ghost follower of the celebrity. They feel your presence. You use their album cover as your profile picture and support everything they put out. You’re an active follower of all that they do. You know their next move before anyone else. Put all that extra knowledge to good use. Maybe creating an Instagram page for a celebrity could be worth your while.

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Firstly, What Is a Fan Account on Instagram?
Fan accounts on Instagram are pages created by fans of celebrities. They’re full of content about that celebrity and sometimes even give the impression that the page belongs to the celebrity. They are not. You may stumble across these pages all the time.
Do you know what it is? What is a fan account on Instagram? Well, this phenomenon has existed since social media platforms existed.
People who are huge fans of singers, media personalities, or actors want to show their affection creatively. An Instagram page dedicated to that culture icon is just the way to do it. Here are some celebrities that have fan accounts:
- Beyoncé
- Halle Bailey
- Taylor Swift
- Selena Gomez
- Northwest
- Kim Kardashian
- Tyla
- Doja Cat
- Ariana Grande
- Kylie Jenner
- Nicki Minaj
Instagram users follow these accounts because they can find people who have something in common with them. This commonality is the love and adoration of a public figure. Sometimes, joining a fan account means disliking another celebrity under your membership.
Fan accounts on Instagram are quite helpful for the celebrity. They promote new projects the celebrity works on and keep their fans aware. Instagram is a very cluttered space, so it’s hard for celebrities to be visible sometimes. These fan accounts work as PR agencies by putting out information about the celebrity.
They do it for the love of it. Sometimes, celebrities shout out these fan pages to encourage them to keep it up. Of course, fandoms can come with some negatives. Some fans can turn their passion into aggressive or violent behavior. When this started to happen, Instagram started to pay more attention.

How To Start a Fan Account on Instagram for Your Favourite Celebrity
You may be starting to think of a few celebrities that you love. The thing is, though, some well-established celebrities already have huge fan pages. They have multiple ones in different languages. You could take the route of creating another one. Or, you could focus on an up-and-coming public icon.
You could be the one to give visibility to someone who is on the rise. Think about that brand-new show featuring an actor no one knew of. People might be very intrigued by this person. You want your page to appear as the first search result when they dig for more information.
Regardless of the celebrity, you need to know how to start a fan account on Instagram the right way. We have all the tips that you’ll need.
1. Choose the Public Figure
This could be the hardest part of the whole process. There are so many possible characters that you can choose from. You don’t even have to pick a real person.
There are cartoon characters or products that have very strong fan bases as well. Naruto is not a real person, but he has a lot of fans.
Animals or inanimate objects draw a huge crown, depending on what they are. Think of the red boots or the Stanley Cup. People can take an interest in the most random things.
Choose a public figure on which you will have a wealth of information. Also, make sure that they are popular at this moment. You want people to see your page as the authority on this person.
2. Introduce Yourself
No, we’re not saying you should introduce yourself as the celebrity you’ve made the account about. Instagram might be okay with the idea of a fan account, but they don’t like impersonation.
Regarding your profile picture and Instagram bio, you need to make things clear. Make it obvious that you are not the celebrity in question. Plainly state that you are a fan account.
You can be creative with whatever else you say. Just make it obvious to everyone that the account does not belong to the actual celebrity. Yes, real celebrities may have blue checkmarks. Still, not everyone on Instagram understands this. You want to protect the vulnerable users on Instagram.
The profile picture could be one of the celebrities. That makes perfect sense. That alone does not give the impression that you’re trying to pass off the page as owned by the celebrity.
3. Post-Quality Content
This sounds like a huge step, but it won’t be to a true fan. Think about how often you share your favorite celebrity in your group chats. Your friends already cringe when you rant about how amazing they are. Now, all you have to do is transfer that energy to an Instagram page.
You’ll see how many people are just like you, terrorizing their immediate friends across the world as well. You’ll just have to learn how to put a marketing twist on the Instagram page. We’ll discuss this part next.
4 Market Your Page
Even though there are people worldwide with your shared interest, they may not know your page exists. They won’t just pop up out of nowhere. You have to know how to find them. You do this by engaging in some tactics that any Instagram page would have to.
First of all, you need to have a business account. A regular account will not give you the information you need to expand your page. Professional accounts will give you access to Instagram Insights. It’s where you see how well your page performs.
You will see the posts that generate the most traction. With this knowledge, you can increase your engagement rate on Instagram or promote your page to others.
Then, you need to optimize your hashtag use. As you know, people use Instagram as a search engine. Searching using a hashtag is quite normal. You’ll have to research which hashtags people use regarding the celebrity you chose.
Implement these hashtags into your posts as well. This could increase your visibility among genuine fans.
Where you can, you should tag the celebrity in question. When fans look at the tagged posts on that official celebrity page, they can see your content.

Instagram Fan Account Rules You Need To Remember
IG wants you to show off your creativity and appreciation for celebrities. They just have some Instagram fan account rules that you have to follow. We touched on this before. Instagram does not want you to pass off your page as the official celebrity page. It allows users to report pages that they think are impersonating them.
We want to ensure you have a long and thriving career on Instagram. To do this, you need to stay on IG’s good side. They’ve kindly set the guidelines you must follow when creating your fan account. These are the non-negotiables for fan accounts on Instagram:
- You must state that the page is a fan or commentary account. Decide the more appropriate category for the content you plan to provide.
- Ensure that you state that the account has no direct affiliation with the public figure in question.
- Don’t even pretend to be the person in question.
- Don’t give the impression that you have a closeness to the celebrity that you do not. Represent your affiliation with them as it actually is.
- Adhere to the laws of intellectual property. Don’t post the celebrity’s content while passing off that it belongs to you.
Following the community guidelines is crucial.

Can Fan Accounts Make Money on Instagram After Getting a Following?
Yes, they can. You may have created this account out of love. In your head, that celebrity deserves every ounce of recognition. However, it’s inspired you to try for some recognition, too.
When you see the following that you’ve built, it’s natural to want to know if you can monetize it. To you, having a hobby is great. However, having one that you can earn from is even better.
So, can fan accounts make money on Instagram? You could be in luck. Earning on Instagram is not just for people who show their faces. Meme, fan, and quote accounts can be lucrative, too.
These fan accounts stir up a lot of engagement. Remember that fan accounts bring a group of passionate people together. There is no limit to how much they can like, comment, and share posts on IG. They will always have something to say about their favorite public figure.
Brands see this high engagement rate on these pages and want in. Ultimately, the engagement rate is what drives them. Let’s talk about three options for the IG page.
Sponsored Posts
Brands will pay Instagram influencers to post about their products. Have you ever seen a carousel of multiple photos on a meme or quote page? Sometimes, the last photo is an ad for a product. The IG user flips through the photos of their fave, enraptured.
Then, they get to the last slide, a jumpscare of sorts. This is a popular way to promote products. Creators get a payment for promoting the product.
Affiliate Links
Instead of a one-time payment for sponsored posts, some brands use the affiliate marketing method. The creator has the task of marketing the product to the followers. They receive a payment when the fan base purchases an item. The link or discount code is how they do it.
Selling Merchandise
This is a tricky way to make money on Instagram. Selling merch as an IG influencer is nothing new to social media. However, public figures are serious about placing trademarks or catchphrases on their names. Someone usually has rights to the images you love.
Producing clothing for sale with a copyrighted image could get you in trouble. Instead, you could work on selling items with fan pages inside jokes. They could refer to the public figure in a way only community members would understand.
If you thought you couldn’t make money on Instagram, now you know differently. There is no need to limit your potential on the app anymore.

You’ll Be a Big Fan of Plixi
The celebrity that you love has millions of die-hard followers. You see this in their follower count on Instagram. Do you look at the numbers and wonder why they don’t follow you back?
After all, some celebrities are so aloof. They need fan accounts on Instagram to tide their fans over until they decide to bless us again.
We agree that your page is not at its full potential. A growth platform like Plixi is needed to bridge the gap. We’ve built up an in-house platform of skilled Instagram influencers.
They know how to take your Instagram fan account to new heights. There is also the propriety AI targeting algorithm that we’ve been working on for the past decade. We know you’ll love what it can do for your page! Start growing and gaining Instagram followers today.
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