Did you think that content creation would be this much work? Did you appreciate how hard it would be to grow your page organically? Some pages have huge teams of people working to bring in followers. Growing Instagram follower counts is an entire industry in itself because it can be so tricky. Some content creators try to automate Instagram growth where they can.
Instagram automation has become popular because posting high-quality content alone will not attract a following. You will need a full game plan to track your target audience. If you don’t use some advanced features, that follower count will be pretty stagnant.
Consider engaging in some Instagram growth automation to attract real followers to your social media platforms.
In this article, we plan to give you an idea of all your options. Think of all the shortcomings in your brand’s online growth. Maybe there is an automated Instagram growth that can help.

Table of Contents
How To Automate Instagram Growth With a Good Schedule
You’re going to hear that consistency is key when it comes to social media a lot. The problem is that this is far easier said than done. It’s not always easy to have content lined up to go out on a specific day and time. It can get a little tedious. You just need to learn how to automate Instagram growth using calendars. We can show you how to do that.
Using a calendar to pencil in content may not sound very technologically advanced at all. You’ll think that until you hear about Instagram’s scheduling tool. The platform allows you to plan out your content in full long before you want to post it.
This means you can create your caption and relevant hashtags and tag other creators. Then, you just let it sit and schedule it to go out at a date in the future. Now that’s automation! You can do this for reels and posts. If you change your mind about the content, you can edit or cancel the upload completely.

3 Problems With Buying Automated Followers
The temptation to buy fake followers online is real. You see the websites all the time. It seems like such an easy way to get to your destination with a huge online presence. All you have to do is shell out a few bucks to get a following that people will respect.
It’s not like you won’t try to grow your page organically otherwise. You just want a little help from a random third-party site. We aren’t here to tell you what to do about your Instagram brand. However, we have to explain the potential risk of using websites like these. We’ve narrowed it down to three concerns that you need to keep in mind.
1. The Fake Followers Don’t Engage
The follower count number at the top of your page is important. However, the number of comments and Likes you get are also important. You don’t want to have that weird disparity where there are millions of followers and a couple hundred Likes.
That’s always a dead giveaway that something is amiss with an Instagram account. The reason for this disparity is usually that the majority of followers are fake. When you buy followers for cheap, these sites likely supply low-quality followers. These are the kind of followers that do not engage in your content in a real way.
They don’t comment with anything of substance. They can’t carry a conversation in the comment section the way a human can. They may not even like your content in the first place. Overall, this is not the kind of activity you want on your page.
It should concern you because it looks strange to actual prospective followers. You don’t want to give the impression that you are buying followers even if you are.

2. These Followers Affect Your Engagement Rate
This point is somewhat connected to the previous point. You have to understand how to calculate your engagement rate. There are engagement rate calculators online to help with this. This is essentially a formula that considers both the follower count and activity on your page.
If you have a huge follower count compared to your page activity, your engagement rate will be low. You might be wondering why you should care about this number. Well, your engagement rate is your main bargaining tool with brands that want to collaborate.
If a brand wants to use you for a sponsored post, they will ask about your engagement rate. Naturally, they would want to know that people engage with your content. If your engagement rate is unimpressive, it could cost you a brand deal.
This habit doesn’t just stop at acquiring followers. To maintain engagement on your page, you will find that you will start to buy Likes and comments as well. Yes, websites claim to sell those as well. This is a lot of effort when you could have just grown your page using organic growth strategies.
3. Instagram Gets Rid of These Followers
You are more likely to keep followers than you have to earn. As easily as these bought followers came, they disappeared. The platform isn’t ignorant concerning automated Instagram growth tactics.
It knows about these websites that made lofty promises to grow your page. It is always on guard to keep interactions on the platform as organic as possible. Sometimes, this means getting rid of the fake accounts.
We’re talking about those accounts with no profile picture. Some accounts follow significantly more accounts than other accounts follow them. They don’t post content and are generally dormant on the platform. Instagram doesn’t like that for the brand. Fortunately, it can take action against these profiles. It does that by completely removing them from the platform.
Yes, this should explain why some creators don’t experience growth on their profiles. Sometimes, they simply hemorrhage followers because Instagram has removed them. You don’t want this to be you as well. It may be wise to ignore Instagram growth automation and just grow your following the hard way.

Best Organic Instagram Growth Automation Tools for Your Brand
Buying followers may not be the best course of action for automated Instagram growth. That doesn’t mean that there aren’t ways that you can use technology to increase your standing on Instagram. We can let you know about the best organic Instagram growth automation tools out there. Then, you can choose one that aligns the best with your brand’s needs.
Regulate Your DMs With Manychat
You don’t want the people who go out of their way to DM you to feel like you’re ignoring them. But it’s not your fault sometimes. As your page grows, ideally, you will get more Instagram messages. You just need to know how best to respond to them promptly. Luckily, you can find Instagram growth automation tools for that.
Have you heard of ManyChat? It is an official Meta Business Partner. It’s a great tool for automating DMs on IG. Somehow, this tool can predict appropriate answers to chat conversations. It can also direct your commenters to the DMs using specific keywords.
For example, your call to action can instruct commenters to comment with a particular keyword. Maybe you have a free download link that you want to share.
This word will trigger the chatbot to send that user an Instagram message with the desired content. This means that you don’t have to send a message to every person who shows interest in your posts.
You can even automate liking comments and replying to them. You don’t have to worry about sending everybody the same generic response. You can program their responses to vary each time.
Think about those Instagram stories where other people mention you. It’s a huge deal for someone to shout you out on their Instagram story. It’s like a free promotion for your brand. You can use this automation tool to send an instant message thanking them for tagging you in the post.
Like Content Automatically With Kicksta
There is a level of reciprocity to social media. You want people to flood your page with Likes and comments. They want you to do the same to theirs. This can get a little tedious when you focus so much on your content. Luckily, there is an automation tool that can help you like the content of other creators automatically.
We know that this sounds like it has the potential to get out of hand. You don’t want to be liking questionable posts. You don’t want to like a post that goes against your brand values. Don’t worry because this tool is one that you can control and curate to your needs.
When these accounts see the like notification from your account, they may peruse your page. Then they will decide if they want to follow you. Have you ever heard of Kicksta? It’s a tool that can help in this area. This is how you get your name out there to potential new followers. There are huge supporters of your brand out there. They just haven’t heard of your page yet.

Reach Out to the Growth Experts at Plixi
We see that you care about your growth on the platform. You believe you can attain so much more, hence your interest in Instagram growth automation. There are many options out there for you to widen the platform for your content. It’s overwhelming! Deciding on the right tools to use to grow your platform is a chore in itself.
Having one growth resource that encompasses everything you’d need would be ideal. If that’s what you have in mind, you don’t have to look any further. Call Plixi, your Instagram growth expert. We have everything you would need. You can still choose to automate Instagram growth for some tasks. Just know that Plixi is all you’ll need.
We have so many resources that you would appreciate. There is an in-house platform of Instagram influencers ready to solve your most tedious questions. We also have a propriety AI targeting algorithm that took a decade to perfect. We’re prepared for whatever problem you can throw at us. Let us impress you with our growth stats. Start growing and gaining Instagram followers today.
The #1 Rated Instagram Growth Service
Plixi helps you get more Instagram followers, likes and comments (and a bunch of other stuff) 10x faster.
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