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How To Get Followers on Instagram Without Following Fast 

Plixi Team

Jun 24, 2024 9 min read

10x Faster Instagram Growth. Automatically.

Do you want to discover how to get followers on Instagram without following? This is ideal since follow-for-follow strategies lead to fake followers that don’t add more value. Instead, you need to understand how to generate followers with genuine interest in your account. 

In this article, we’ll share how to build a list of Instagram followers that add value to your social media accounts. This is especially important if you want to monetize your Instagram target audience

You can grow your account as an influencer or build a brand. Continue reading to learn how to get IG followers without following other users.

How To Get Followers on Instagram Without Following Fast 

The Drawbacks of Using Instagram Follow-for-Follow Strategies

Let’s start by considering the drawbacks of follow-for-follow strategies. This will help you understand why they are not the best options. Hence, you can invest in alternatives further on in this article. 

Here are the top reasons to avoid follow-for-follow strategies: 

  • Low engagement quality: Followers you gain through follow-for-follow often have little interest in your content. This leads to low engagement rates, which means the Instagram algorithm may not recommend your content. Furthermore, your followers are more likely to skip the content and interact with other accounts. 
  • Questionable credibility: Follow-for-follow tactics can make your account seem less authentic and more desperate for followers. It gives the impression that you need to use shady strategies to gain followers. Brands and potential followers may also view your account as untrustworthy or unprofessional. This is especially true when the community notices a high follower count with low engagement.
  • Time-consuming and inefficient: Manually following and unfollowing users takes significant time and effort. It is resource-intensive and can have limited results. Therefore, the return on investment for the time spent is often low. That’s because many followers may not convert to meaningful engagement or support for your brand.
  • Potential account risk: Instagram’s terms of service discourage follow-for-follow schemes. Therefore, engaging in such practices could result in penalties, leading to shadowbans or account suspensions. This means using these strategies may not be worth the risk of losing your Instagram account. 
  • Impact on analytics: Having many inactive or disinterested followers can skew your analytics. This makes it difficult to gauge the true performance of your content and understand your real target audience.
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How To Get Active Followers on Instagram Without Following

Do you want to know how to get active followers on Instagram without following? There are proven strategies that allow you to get active followers without the end to return the favor. In fact, most Instagram users don’t expect users to follow them back. 

Apply highly engaging methods to ensure you have active and real followers. Continue reading to learn the three best ways to engage audiences for a vibrant social media account. 

1. Post Content Frequently

You need to continually engage your audience by ensuring there’s a steady flow of content. Therefore, you’ll need to use Instagram scheduling tools to provide a lineup of posts. You can find a large number of third-party tools that come packed with useful features. 

However, you need to also focus on quality over content. Don’t make the mistake of posting content to increase frequency. You must develop methods for expanding your creativity and generating valuable content. 

2. Engage in the Comments Section

Take the time to respond in the comments section to engage your Instagram followers. This shows your account is active and you care about the opinions of your audience. Here are some of the top ideas to consider when trying to improve your commenting quality:

  • Respond promptly: Try to respond to comments soon after users post them. Quick responses show you are active and attentive. Ensure you enable notifications for comments to stay updated and respond quickly. Additionally, you can outsource your Instagram comments to speed up the response rate. 
  • Personalize your responses: Adding an element of personalization allows you to forge bonds with potential followers. For example, address commenters by their Instagram usernames to make your responses feel more personal. Furthermore, avoid generic responses and instead respond specifically to what the commenter said. 
  • Encourage conversation: Consider responding with questions to keep the conversation going and engage your audience further. You can also show interest in your follower’s opinions, experiences, or suggestions.
  • Show appreciation: Always thank users for their comments, especially when they offer compliments or support. This shows that you value their kind comments and builds goodwill. Additionally, you can acknowledge the effort commenters put into writing longer and more thoughtful comments. Hence, you may get more of the same in the future. 
  • Address negative comments gracefully: Negative comments are a part of social media platforms. Remember to respond to negative comments with a calm and respectful tone. Additionally, offer solutions or ask for more information to resolve issues.
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3. Encourage User-Generated Content

Instagram users love user-generated content (UGC) because it feels authentic and offers something different. They can provide maximum engagement since regular users can relate to others on the platform.

You can encourage UGC by holding competitions or empowering users with tools and digital assets. This can help you generate more followers in a way that builds your community organically. 

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How To Get Followers on Instagram Without Following or Liking

Now, let’s turn our attention to how to get followers on Instagram without following or liking. You need to bring value to the Instagram audience so they want to follow your account. Creating high-quality content is the best approach, and Instagram offers different formats. 

Here’s a list of the different content publishing methods you can use on Instagram:

  • Instagram Reels: This video content is up to 90 seconds long. Users consume it by swiping up to move between the Instagram Reels. It’s a popular form of content since the Reels can go viral with the right approach. Also, you can repurpose long-form content into IG Reels. 
  • Instagram Stories: This is a similar content format to Reels, but only your followers will have access. Therefore, it’s the right type of content to reduce your Instagram unfollower rate. You can also use IG Stories to make Highlights on your profile picture page. 
  • Instagram Live: Do you want to engage with users in real time? Then, use Instagram Live to create a live video stream where you can read, chat, and answer questions. Your audience will naturally become followers if they like the content. Additionally, your audience can get to know you on a deeper level since they can ask direct questions. 
  • Instagram posts: Content creators can use regular Instagram posts as the bulk of their content. This allows you to post videos or photos alongside a caption. Users love to share these posts when you get them right. Therefore, you can spread your content to a wider audience on Instagram. Also, post the content at optimal times for the best results.
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Implement Instagram Hashtags

For the content above, adding relevant hashtags is important to increase searchability. You can uncover these using Instagram Insights to get a list of the best-performing hashtags. Therefore, you can remove the ones that don’t drive much traffic and replace them with popular hashtags. 

Don’t add too many hashtags; doing so will make your content look like spam. Ideally, you should add 4-6 hashtags to preserve a good visual look for the content. 

However, you can experiment with what you feel is best and use analytics to determine your decision-making. 

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How To Get More Followers on Instagram as a Business

Are you a business struggling to get traction and want to know how to get more followers on Instagram? There are several strategies that companies can use to get more followers. These strategies can help build social media brands that outshine competitors. 

Continue reading for the top three strategies to start on the right foot. 

1. Instagram Ads

Winning with Instagram ads involves several different factors to get the best result.s Here are some of the top ones for your consideration:

  • Define clear objectives: You’ll need to define the success and failure of your advertisement campaigns. This might be to reach a specific return on investment (ROI) or a conversion rate. Having objectives gives your marketing efforts something to aim at, and ideally, you’ll aim upwards. 
  • Understand your audience: Use Instagram’s audience insights to understand demographics, behaviors, and preferences. It is important to figure out what messaging will have the right effect. Ideally, you must use marketing software to track data about your Instagram target audience. 
  • Create compelling visuals: Use high-quality images and videos that are visually appealing. After all, Instagram is a visual platform, and that’s what users expect. You can hire professional freelancers who will create beautiful-looking visuals that capture audiences. 
  • Optimize for mobile phones: Make sure your ads are mobile-friendly, as most Instagram users use these to interface with the platform. You may need to test your ads with your smartphones to ensure they work properly. 
  • Monitor and optimize performance: Instagram business accounts have access to advanced analytics. This data is vital for monitoring and optimizing your Instagram ads performance.
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2. Leverage Contests and Giveaways

Use contests and giveaways to create a buzz around your Instagram business. You can give away products to provide value to your customer base. 

However, the products must be among your best and give your audience a realistic chance of winning. Also, Highlight any winners so that participation will increase in the future. 

3. Collaborate With Instagram Influencers

Find partners that can become brand ambassadors for your business. Ideally, they will love your products and use them regularly. 

This means their Instagram audiences can receive a genuine recommendation. 

You can create a list of several Instagram influencers to capture more of the market. Also, the influencers can do the hard work of growing an audience, which you can leverage.

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How To Get Followers on Instagram Without Following: Is It Worthwhile?

Yes, the best approach is to get followers without following them back on Instagram. You don’t need to waste time following other accounts. After all, your goal must be to attract many followers, and you can follow them all. 

Make sure to implement the strategies in this article for how to get followers on Instagram without following. Ideally, you will add multiple different methods to increase your odds of success. 

Are you interested in finding other strategies to increase your Instagram follower growth? Then, check out Plixi for a professional Instagram growth service with an excellent reputation. We can target any audience in any niche with high accuracy. 

So what are you waiting for? Start growing and gaining Instagram followers today!

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