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How To Get More Followers on Instagram—Top Tips Uncovered!

Plixi Team

Jul 25, 2024 12 min read

10x Faster Instagram Growth. Automatically.

Discovering how to get more followers on Instagram is rewarding, and there are many ways to do it. Increased followers mean increased authority and brand awareness, allowing your message to reach a wider audience. Also, watching your subscriber count increase can be addictive and exciting.

We’ve included only the most effective and proven strategies that any type of Instagram account can use to grow followers. These tried-and-tested methods work for the biggest Instagram accounts, so they’re a great starting point for anyone.

How To Get More Followers on Instagram—Top Tips Uncovered!

Why Is Figuring Out How To Increase Instagram Followers Worthwhile?

You may wonder why discovering the best way to increase Instagram followers is a good use of your time and resources. After all, there are many other marketing channels out there for you to grow your audience. That’s because increasing your Instagram followers has massive implications for user engagement. For example, accounts with 1 million followers command more respect than those with just 10,000.

Additionally, you’ll need to boost your Instagram follower numbers to increase the odds of big brands noticing you. Hence, you’ll get more opportunities to make money from sponsorship deals as your number of followers increases. That’s because brands want to take advantage of an Instagram profile with higher follower counts to get more for their money.

Since Instagram is a more competitive social media platform, you’ll need to use every social media strategy to help. The goal is to get quality, not fake, followers. Aim to reach the Explore page to attract a wider audience.

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How To Get More Followers on Instagram For Free

Are you wondering how to get more followers on Instagram for free? We will share many free strategies in the section below to help you save your marketing budget. We’ll cover everything from the Explore page to optimizing your posts on the Instagram algorithm.

How To Increase Your Following With Instagram Reels

Instagram reels are comparable to TikTok videos or YouTube Shorts, so they are quick and to the point. The 15-second time limit challenges you to share your message quickly, and the platform offers many tools to edit the video. Also, you can improve Reels sharability by using Instagram hashtags, the cover image, and Instagram captions. Hence, it’s a great strategy for increasing your Instagram followers.

Boost Your Your Instagram Followers Through Content Strategy

Developing a content strategy that shares something interesting, funny, and educates. Mixing these content types is a good idea to cater to different audiences and keep things fresh. It’s one of the easiest strategies to execute for Instagram follower growth. That’s because you can combine it with content repurposing to take advantage of the content you have on your website.

Furthermore, you can develop your content strategy using user-generated content and creator contributions. Finally, don’t forget about tools like Instagram Live to mix things up.

Gain More Instagram Followers With Hashtags

You can use hashtags to let users know what your post is about and increase their searchability. Users may be more willing to follow an IG account if they notice many hashtags match their interests. Learning how to gain followers using hashtags is one of the easiest and most effective methods.

Increase Your Instagram Followers With a Consistent Calendar

Your Instagram account needs a consistent social media content calendar. Get viewers to expect and interact with your content at specific times daily and weekly. Eventually, they will follow your Instagram account, thus helping you gain potential followers. Also, you’ll need to figure out the best times to post on Instagram for the best results.

Optimize Your Profile to Gain More Instagram Followers

Learning how to reach potential followers with an optimized profile should be one of the first strategies to implement. That’s because you want to leave a good impression on anyone who views your account. Here are a few tips to get started:

  • Search-friendly username: Make sure your username is easy to find and memorable. 
  • Optimized picture: Use an image you are proud to attach your name to, and brands can use their logo. 
  • Instagram bio: Your Instagram bio is the perfect place to share what the account is about with your audience directly.

Use Instagram Stories Highlights to Gain New Followers

The Instagram Stories Highlights feature lets you pin the story to your Instagram profile. This is ideal for highlighting Instagram stories to boost followers. For example, Instagram Stories Highlights can include a welcome message for new users and explain what they can see on your account.

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How To Get More Followers on Instagram Fast

Learning to get more followers on Instagram fast might be required when you need to hit goals. This can include business goals, or you might have personal ones, such as getting 1 million followers. You’ll need to make the most of the assets and resources available to get followers faster.

The type of resources you want to consider includes your email list, social media channels, and website. You can utilize existing subscribers on other platforms by funneling them to your Instagram accounts. You can receive a massive follower boost depending on your audience size on those other platforms.

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Instagram Followers App For Tracking

You can use the Instagram followers app tracking options to monitor the rate of followers you’re receiving. These apps track how quickly you gain followers and which events drive the growth.

Additionally, you can use these apps to find unfollowers. This allows you to create a campaign to get those followers back. For example, targeting unfollowers is the best first step if you’re rebranding. Then, use Instagram Analytics to see what’s working.

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How To Get More Followers on Instagram Business Accounts

Business accounts may want to take a different approach or use more effort to ensure they maximize their potential. This section shares some of the top methods to get more followers on Instagram with business accounts.

Reference Other Instagram Accounts

Within your Instagram posts, you should mention other Instagram accounts, and they may do the same. Hence, this strategy works well if you get other high-profile IG accounts to send a mention. This can lead to big follower boosts—especially if the account is related to your industry.

Use Your Website To Promote Your Instagram Account

Your website is an easy source of new Instagram followers. Simply add Instagram follow buttons all over your website in places where it will catch viewer attention. This works especially well if you have a high-traffic website.

Reach Relevant Users by Asking for the Follow

Being direct with your audience is the best way to gain loyal followers. Asking users to follow is a great strategy because it has proven to work. Also, during your request, include the advantages of following your channel. This includes setting expectations of what content they can expect to receive.

Follow requests should blend with your content strategy so that they don’t come across as spam. You can add follow requests to all types of content, including Instagram posts, reels, and stories.

Use Brand Ambassadors

Utilizing the massive audiences other Instagram accounts have built is a shortcut to growing your follower count. Find industry-related IG accounts with big audiences and ask them to mention your account. This could be via a paid sponsorship; often, the rewards outweigh the costs. Making sure you’re on top influencers’ social media content calendar is a great idea.

Create Content in Advance

Consider creating content in advance to avoid disruption in your post frequency. This guarantees a consistent schedule when your day-to-day list of things to complete gets long. Schedule Instagram posts to mix content and avoid repeating the same type in a row.

Get More Instagram Followers Using Content Repurposing

To increase the ROI of your IG account follower acquisition, consider taking advantage of your existing resources. You can modify your existing content for your Instagram posts to get more Instagram followers. The modifications must address your target audience’s Instagram needs to ensure optimized engagement.

For instance, let’s say you have a large library of YouTube videos. You can use the content for these to make short videos on Instagram Reels. Content repurposing can help you develop content ideas if you’re stuck.

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Get More Instagram Followers The Quick Way

If you’re wondering how to get more Instagram followers quickly, you’ll find a few options. These strategies have upsides and massive downsides, so we don’t recommend participating. After all, we have already outlined many legitimate methods of increasing your follower count.

Buy Instagram Followers

Choosing to buy Instagram followers is a good option at first glance. However, there are several reasons why this is not a good method for how to get more Instagram followers:

  • Money waste: Use the money for buying followers to create quality posts or explore other ways to grow your follower count.
  • Instagram may notice: Buying followers on Instagram is against the rules, and the platform actively policies the practice. Therefore, you may get caught and banned. 
  • Fake followers: In most cases, you buy counterfeit accounts. Hence, they won’t engage with your content, so that you won’t benefit from natural followers. 
  • Trust loss: If your audience discovers you have bought followers, your Instagram reputation is tarnished. 
  • No engagement: The fake followers won’t buy products or take advantage of offers you may share on your Instagram posts and Instagram reels.


Spamming your audience is another strategy that should be avoided. You may think more Instagram posts lead to a higher follower count, but that’s not always true. Once you notice the engagement rate decreasing, it might be time to decrease the post frequency.

Using Too Many Hashtags

Don’t use too many hashtags since that also looks like spam. It makes your posts look unappealing and suggests you don’t care about a good user experience. You’ll see that the top IG accounts on the platforms use just a few hashtags in their posts.

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Reach Instagram Users With Audience Targeting

Audience targeting is an important component of seeing Instagram growth. This increases the effectiveness of every bit of content you release and has the biggest impact. Also, it ensures that you are communicating with a specific person in mind, which helps create the right posts.

Additionally, your posts should include pictures since Instagram users expect this from posts. The quality of the pictures is more important than the text, so that should be the focus of your optimization efforts.

Here are a few other things you can do to improve the quality of your audience targeting:

  • Demographics: Analyze your audience more intimately by analyzing your demographics. This includes things like age and location. 
  • Engage in the conversation: Interact with your audience in every post by responding to comments. During this process, you’ll better understand the makeup of your audience. You can use this information to determine how to make future posts more relevant. 
  • Geotagging: Are you interested in targeting users in a particular state, city, or town? That’s where Instagram’s geo-tagging features are handy. You can target users in particular areas to laser focus your targeting. 
  • Competitive intelligence: You can spy on your competitors to see how they approach audience targeting. You’ll get the most help from competitors that have spent years researching, and you can take advantage of their hard work.

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Boost Posts to Reach Existing Followers

The Instagram boosting service allows you to spend money to grow your follower count. If you’re willing to spend the funds, this is one of the best strategies for reaching current followers quickly. 

The speed and size of the boost vary depending on your budget. When using this method, it’s a good idea to include many hashtags so you can get the most for every dollar spent.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do you get 1,000 followers on Instagram fast?

To get 1,000 followers on Instagram fast, focus on creating high-quality content and using relevant hashtags. Engaging with your audience and collaborating with influencers can also help increase followers on Instagram.

How to get Instagram followers quickly?

To get Instagram followers quickly, post consistently and at optimal times. Interact with your followers and participate in popular trends to increase your visibility and grow your Instagram followers.

Why can’t I grow my followers on Instagram?

Are you struggling to grow a following? It could be due to inconsistent posting, low engagement, or improper hashtag use. Improving these aspects can help increase followers.

How do you get 50 followers on Instagram fast?

To get 50 followers on Instagram fast, engage with your target audience by liking and commenting on their posts. Sharing stories and collaborating with other users can also help you grow Instagram followers.

How To Boost Followers on Instagram Final Thoughts

To conclude, there are many strategies for how to boost followers on Instagram. Some of those are proven methods that the biggest brands in the world apply with good results. While others, like buying IG followers, are not a good long-term solution.

Don’t get overwhelmed by the number of strategies discussed above. Start with one, and after getting the hang of it, move on to the next.

Here at Plixi, we’ve built an in-house platform of Instagram influencers that combines with our custom AI targeting algorithm. Don’t rely on Instagram’s algorithm alone. This is our special recipe for finding targeted, engaged, and interested users. Hence, we are industry leaders for growing Instagram audiences to new heights. Start developing and gaining Instagram followers today.

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