Sometimes, it pays to be an amateur detective. On social media, things are typically smoke and mirrors. It’s useful to be able to spot what is fake. Knowing how to conduct a fake followers test is key on this platform.
You should do a routine Instagram fake follower test on your following. It’s good to know which followers deserve to leave your exclusive list. Are you wondering why you would ever remove followers? Isn’t the aim of social media to grow? This article will explain why removing followers is better in the long run.
You may also be curious about the following of another Instagram user. You might be a brand that wants to look deeper than the huge follower count of an influencer. We will tell you why numbers alone are not enough.
There is so much to learn about this topic. We hope you’re ready. Keep reading for all the useful information!

Table of Contents
What Are Fake Followers?
Fake followers are Instagram accounts that real people do not run or own. They likely exist to give the appearance of an inflated follower count. Some people call them bot accounts. The aim is to have them blend in with an authentic audience.
You don’t acquire fake followers using the usual content strategies. Content creators typically purchase these followers from third-party websites. These websites usually deliver them in batches.
They are available in packages by the hundreds or the thousands. These followers typically help in achieving social proof on Instagram. However, sometimes users overdo it. This results in the fake follower percentage being too high.
Ultimately, they can no longer achieve genuine connections on Instagram with real followers. This result is less than ideal when the point of Instagram is to make connections.

The Importance of Identifying Fake Followers
Knowing which follower is fake is a very impressive skill. It could be one that could save your online brand. As your following grows, you need to be more sensitive to the existence of these followers. Let’s discuss why this is so important.
They Don’t Engage
Fake followers don’t engage with your content. Having a big following is a good look. Having a following that engages is the ultimate goal. Having the appearance of success on Instagram is not enough. If you can’t create a community, it will be difficult to monetize your content.
Your engagement rate is at stake if you keep these fake followers around. They will bring down the overall activity on your Instagram page. When this happens, you are in a weaker bargaining position with brands.
Brands will note that you cannot inspire engagement on your posts. Naturally, you won’t be able to inspire sales for their products.

Everyone Can Tell They Are Fake
Buying followers is not a secret on Instagram. Everyone knows that the service is available online from third-party websites. Even celebrity influencers use the service. Still, it is quite jarring when you notice that a page buys followers on Instagram.
Instagram users may notice that they don’t see many comments on posts. This would be normal if your follower count wasn’t so high. The coincidence of these two factors is enough to make people suspicious.
Some Instagram users will take it a step further. They will look through your followers. When they do a fake Instagram followers check, they may stumble upon an account or two. These accounts will feature pages without profile pictures or photos on their feed.
Instagram users will begin to question your credibility when they see these pages. Perhaps you once appeared to be a stalwart in your particular field. After they expose you, they might think you are a fraud.

Delete Followers That Don’t Pass the Fake Followers Test
What do you do when identifying these fraudulent followers? You need to get rid of them immediately. Yes, remove them as followers or block them completely. We suggest this because these followers are bringing down their page.
You might think the appearance of a huge follower count is attractive. You are hoping to benefit from the social proof that comes with it. Unfortunately, it drags down engagement rates.
You need genuine engagement to keep your rate high when you have a higher follower count. Unfortunately, these fake accounts don’t typically engage.
For the sake of your engagement rate, you need to get rid of these inactive followers. They have to go if they don’t pass the fake Instagram followers test.
Don’t worry about reducing your followers. You can always build them back up. If they weren’t engaging, they weren’t benefiting you anyway. A growth site like Plixi can help you replenish your following.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Fake Instagram Followers Test
Many people want to know about testing for fake followers on Instagram. It is a popular issue among content creators. Since there are so many questions, we decided to answer a few.
FAQ: Why is checking for fake Instagram followers essential?
You need to check for fake followers to ensure you have a legitimate following on Instagram. Fake followers will give the appearance of growth and success on social media platforms. In reality, you are not progressing at the rate that you believe you are.
Fake followers who don’t engage will negatively impact your engagement rate on the platform. Ultimately, this will affect how competitive you are when negotiating with brands. A large following full of fake accounts will hold you back on Instagram.
FAQ: Is Instagram removing fake followers?
Instagram is aware that there are fake followers on the platform. It wants to provide the most organic experience possible on Instagram. To ensure this happens, they routinely remove fake followers. It is squarely within their power to do so.
Some Instagram users notice that they lose followers overnight. This could be due to real accounts unfollowing their Instagram page, or Instagram may have deleted the fake accounts from the platform altogether.
FAQ: What are fake followers?
Fake followers are Instagram accounts that don’t belong to real people. Instead, they are robot accounts that exist to build up numbers on the platform. These accounts may not have profile pictures or Instagram bios. Some don’t even have content or a proper Instagram handle.
Fake followers don’t engage in activities like real people. They don’t usually like, comment on, or share content on Instagram.
FAQ: Should I work with influencers who have fake followers?
A brand should be reluctant to work with influencers who have fake followers. As a brand, you aim to increase brand awareness and sales. It is fruitless to make your brand aware of fake followers.
They cannot ultimately purchase your products. They can barely even engage in the posts on Instagram.
Influencers may appear to have a large influence due to a big following. However, they do not ultimately provide the support they need for brands. Collaborating with an influencer with a large fake following may not be worth the investment.

We Can Help Secure You Real Followers
For too long, fake followers have run rampant on Instagram. They come to inflate your following, and they disappear in a few days. They don’t stick around. And while they are around, they don’t engage. This is not what you had in mind when you procured these followers from those third-party websites, is it?
You might regret taking the easy way out by trying to buy followers. You may have done it the wrong way before. Now, you want to do it the right way. You can secure a bigger following by employing the services of a growth website.
Plixi is right here at your fingertips. We have the sophisticated technology you need to earn targeted followers on Instagram. You won’t get random accounts with robots behind them. We will get you real people with real interest in your content.
With our help, your following will pass the fake followers test.
Are you ready to expand your online following? Sign up with Plixi today!
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Plixi helps you get more Instagram followers, likes and comments (and a bunch of other stuff) 10x faster.
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