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How Do Hashtags Work on Instagram To Get More Followers?

A yellow sticky note is stuck to a mirror and reads ‘#selfcare.’

We love hashtags here at Plixi, and our goal is to get you to love them, too. So, how do hashtags work on Instagram? You’ve heard that hashtags help people find your content when they search for it. Is it really that simple, though?  We understand that you’ll have your questions. Being skeptical is reasonable. … Read more

How To Update Instagram To Boost Performance

A person holding a smartphone and looking at social network icons.

Learning how to update Instagram is vital to ensure the app runs optimally. Also, you can take advantage of new features as soon as they are released. It ensures you’re using Instagram on a level playing field. It’s especially important when trying to grow your brand on Instagram and beat competitors.  We’ll also cover fixes … Read more

How To Unblock Someone on Instagram

The Instagram logo on a red background.

Do you want to know how to unblock someone on Instagram? You can unblock users at any time after blocking them if you change your mind. The process is similar to blocking people, and we’ll show you step-by-step how to complete it.  You may want to unblock Instagram users if you are no longer mad … Read more

How To Turn Off Active Status on Instagram

The IG login page is displayed on a person’s cellphone screen.

Do you want to learn how to turn off active status on Instagram? We’ll share the process of how you can remove your active status while you’re online.  It’s great for protecting your privacy and avoiding unwanted interactions, and you can turn it back on at any time.  We’ll also share examples of other ways … Read more

Free Followers for Instagram Are Headed Your Way!

A person using their phone to take a picture of their breakfast.

How do people get so many Instagram followers? They even have high follow counts across all their social media platforms. You’ve probably watched some creators build up their platform from nothing. Other creators seemed to get fame within 24 hours. Either way, you look at your potential followers with hope. That’s the spirit! You’re a … Read more

Which Social Media Platform Pays the Most for Your Content

An Instagram influencer records a tutorial for their followers on her social media platforms.

Social media platforms look so much like each other these days. Content creators seem to post the same content on all their platforms. Exclusive content doesn’t seem that exclusive anymore. You’re wondering where you should put your engaging content. Sure, you can use all the platforms, but you want to focus the majority of your … Read more