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How To Add Captions to Reels on Instagram

The Instagram logo with a dark background.

Do you want to know how to add captions to reels on Instagram? It’s good practice to create captions to boost the quality of your Instagram Reels. Create the right captions, and you’ll see an increase in engagement and overall viewership.  However, creating the right captions can be tricky if you have no experience. Therefore, … Read more

Instagram Polls: The Results Are In for Your Next Move

Two women hold up mallets that say “Yes” on them.

It may not be election season, but it’s time to listen to what your supporters have to say. We don’t expect you to message everyone to ask for their views directly. That sounds way too tedious. An interactive sticker could do the trick, though. With Instagram polls, you can publish poll questions for your followers.  … Read more

Instagram Parental Controls: Put Yourself Back In Control

A mother keeps up with what her child does on the Internet.

Parents, you are no longer in the Stone Age. Cell phones are everywhere, and they do with ease what computers used to struggle to do. Strangers online might be teaching children more than you can. It’s only going to get worse, so now is the time to learn about Instagram parental controls.  Instagram is one … Read more

How To Go Live on Instagram and Get Viewers

Someone howling a smartphone with both hands and using the Instagram app.

Learning how to go live on Instagram is simple and unlocks a world of new opportunities. You can interact with your audience more engagingly and meet objectives. This includes getting more followers, growing your brand recognition, or selling products.  We’ll share how to use Instagram Live and related information to help you get started. Once … Read more

Why Is Influencer Marketing Important to Creators & Brands?

A woman has her smartphone in one hand and her makeup box in the other.

Before the advent of Instagram influencers, we bet you never thought you’d give in to peer pressure. You would claim you make all your decisions based on your deductive reasoning. Well, the benefits of influencer marketing are clear. Social media influencers are accountable for many brand sales these days. So, why is influencer marketing important?  … Read more

Questions To Ask Influencers & How To Get Questions, Too

A woman asks her followers for their opinion on a beauty look.

How else do you know anything without first asking a question? Your favorite micro-influencer could be itching for you to ask them a question about themselves. They want the traction to their IG account. You may have questions to ask influencers, but they may want to ask you some. This blog post will cover a … Read more

Spamming on Instagram: What You Need To Know To Be Safe

An IG user records a livestream of a concert.

The concept of “spam” is nothing new. Since the days of MSN Messenger, we have been toiling with random emails from spam accounts. Some things never change, and Instagram is no different. Is there a social media platform safe from fake accounts? Spamming on Instagram is a long-standing problem for the aspiring influencer. It affects … Read more

Social Media Presence: A Necessity for Every Brand

A group of women are having a meeting at a table, and one of them has her laptop open.

When you want to find out about new promotions or opening hours, what do you do? You go to their Instagram profile pages. Instagram has become somewhat of a phone directory. We go there to get the contact details of brands, only to shoot them a DM anyway. Social media profiles are the first point … Read more

TikTok Analytics vs Instagram

A person looking at their photo gallery on a mobile device.

Are you wondering how TikTok analytics vs Instagram compares? In this article, we’ll take a closer look at both social media platforms to help you appreciate the differences. This will help you choose where to focus your marketing efforts.  It’s important to understand the unique difference of a platform to ensure you optimize your efforts. … Read more