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How To Get Customers on Instagram to Buy Your Products

Plixi Team

Jun 12, 2024 9 min read

10x Faster Instagram Growth. Automatically.

Are you interested in figuring out how to get customers on Instagram? You can use different strategies, and a mixture of them is the best approach. This ensures you spread your efforts and risk among the various strategies. 

We’ll cover how to get customers so you can increase sales and grow your business to another level. Instagram is a massive platform with a large number of daily logins. Therefore, play your cards right and dramatically skyrocket your social media customer base. 

How To Get Customers on Instagram to Buy Your Products

How To Get Customers on Instagram Fast

Now, let’s focus on how to get customers on Instagram fast. These strategies work quickly but can cost money, and the speed varies. However, growing your experience with these top three strategies will further improve the speed. 

1. Pursuing Instagram Ads

You can get an avalanche of traffic overnight by using Instagram ads. In fact, new brands on social media platforms can get customers on Instagram by spending money on ads. However, you will need to register for a free business profile. You can have the business account as an add-on and use Instagram account switching

Are you worried that you will not succeed with Instagram ads? Then here are some tips to get you started:

  • Target the right target audience: Understanding your audience demographics is important when creating ads. The advertisements must speak to your target audience and address their problems. This ensures a good conversion rate and positive return on investment (ROI) for the ads. 
  • Manage funds: Make sure you consider your marketing costs and how much you can allocate to Instagram ads. This ensures you don’t spend too much money on the advertisements. Marketing software will help you manage funds if the correct funds are included. 
  • Experimentation: Mix things up by taking a risk with different ad types is important. You may hit the jackpot with a viral ad the more you think outside of the box. You can also look at your competitors for ideas on what direction to take. 
  • Marketing software: Make sure to invest in marketing software to help you manage ads. You can view the performance of ads, which will help you with optimization. Therefore, you can constantly improve the ads and sell to more customers. 
  • Instagram ad rules: It’s vital to understand the rules for advertising on Instagram. This ensures you don’t get your account suspended or banned. Also, you won’t anger customers who notice you’re breaking the rules. 

2. Using Instagram Influencers

You can take advantage of the audience that Instagram influencers have built up over years of hard work. The right collaboration can potentially give you access to a large volume of customers in a short period. 

However, you’ll need to find influencers with the right Instagram target audience. This ensures the advertisement will resonate with the audience and interest them in your products. Hence, you’ll make the most of the money required to secure the collaboration. 

Pay attention to the audience size and engagement rate. Ideally, you should target influencers with a large audience that engages with their content. This shows that the audience likes the content and is interested in more. 

3. Leveraging Existing Assets

Did you know you can use your existing digital assets to divert traffic to your Instagram account? Therefore, you can funnel customers to Instagram. This can get you more sales and also increase the Instagram follower count. Here’s an example of the existing assets that you can use:

  • Email list: Do you have a large email list? Then, you can funnel those subscribers to your Instagram account. Consider sending them to an Instagram product page to increase sales. 
  • Website: You can capture your website audience by getting them to follow your Instagram account. Therefore, you can repeatedly release content to new audience members. This increases the likelihood of converting casual visitors into buying customers. 
  • Other social media platforms: You can take advantage of other social media platforms with large followings. Perhaps you like Instagram better and like the ability to sell via product pages. For example, you can send YouTube subscribers to click the follow button on your Instagram URL page. 
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How To Get Customers To Tag You on Instagram

Are you interested in learning how to get customers to tag you on Instagram? This gives you a different way for how to get more customers on Instagram. Continue reading for the various strategies you can leverage to increase the number of posts you’re tagged in. 

1. Just Ask for the Tag

You’ll be pleasantly surprised by the success rate if you just ask for other Instagram users to tag you. In fact, some of your customers may not be aware of the feature or how to use it. Hence, you can give them specific instructions. The success rate depends on how easy you make it for them. 

The best time to ask for the tag is when they buy a product. You can ask them on the purchase thank you page or shortly after in an email. Additionally, you can use the Instagram direct messages feature to task for the tag. Consider using a template to increase the speed at which you ask many customers. 

2. Provide Discounts

You can reward customers for tagging your brand or products in their posts. This can create a snowball effect of getting more sales. However, there are a few things you must consider when providing discounts for tagging you:

  • Quality discounts: The offer or discount you provide must be worthwhile. Otherwise, people will consider it a gimmick and won’t tag your brand. Ideally, you should provide discounts for your high-profit products. That’s because you’ll have a bigger margin to offer discounts and still profit. 
  • Clear information: It’s a good idea to have information about the discount in a clearly visible place. Otherwise, your customers may not even know that it exists. Also, lay out the exact steps customers need to take. This could be done by submitting the post’s URL via direct messages or sending a screenshot. Also, teach people how to tag you in their posts. 
  • Mix up the offers: Rotate discounts and promotions to keep things fresh. Also, you can add more value at specific times of the year to create a buzz. Therefore, you can drive more interest and get more tagged posts. 

3. Run Tagging Competitions

You can create a competition on Instagram where users must compete for the most creative posts. The rules must include instructions about tagging in their posts. You can also increase the visibility of the tag in the content to improve the clickthrough rate. 

Reward customers with prizes and discounts for taking part in the competition. The best rewards must go to the winners and highlight them on other platforms. Therefore, you can increase the size of competition entrants in the future.

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How To Get Customers To Post on Instagram

Are you interested in learning how to get customers to post on Instagram? You can use a few strategies to increase the customer post count. Here are some of the top ones you should consider:

  1. Reward them: You can reward users who post about your business on Instagram. This can be in the form of samples and discounts. Also, when a post does very well, you can award products. 
  2. Provide post material: You can give customers digital assets to post the content. This includes photos, videos, and text. However, you need to provide different content to users so they don’t post copies of each other. Nowadays, AI helps randomize content to provide more variety. 
  3. Reviews: You can ask customers to post a review of your products on Instagram. This can include a picture of them using the product and overall thoughts. Other Instagram users will see the pictures, and you may get more customers.
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Upgrade to an Instagram Business Account

You’ll need to upgrade to a business account to maximize your chances of getting more customers on Instagram. 

This equips you with extra features like creating a dedicated product page. You may get more sales when customers can buy on Instagram instead of leaving the website. 

This is especially true for businesses that have yet to establish credibility. A business account also gives you access to Instagram Insights, which provides a lot of data. You can analyze to understand better and the best content to get more customers. For example, you can see which Instagram hashtags lead the most sales.

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How To Get Customers on Instagram With Content Production

Content production is an excellent way to get more customers on social media platforms like Instagram. The idea is to drive as much traffic as possible to your product pages or other destinations with monetization. 

However, you’ll need to publish a wide range of content to capture your entire audience. Here are the different types of content you can post with Instagram content production:

  • Instagram Reels: You can publish short-form content consisting of videos up to 90 seconds long. Instagram Reels are highly popular and can bring in many customers when they go viral. 
  • Instagram Stories: This content is similar to Instagram Reels since it’s short-form content. However, the platform only sends Instagram Stories to follower’s feeds. Afterward, the content is only viewable by the account holder. 
  • Instagram Live: Interact with your audience in real time with Instagram Live. Make sure to announce your live stream ahead of time to increase the live viewership. Also, these streams are available via replay for people who missed them. 
  • Instagram posts: The Instagram posts allow you to post an image or video with text. The content has a lot of customizability, and you can add links to your product pages.
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Is It Easy To Get Customers on Instagram?

With the right strategies, getting customers on Instagram is a fairly easy process. That’s because the social media platform gives you many tools to market your brand and products. For example, with the business account, you can access more analytical data and create product pages. 

Now that you understand how to get customers on Instagram, try it yourself. Choose a few of the strategies mentioned in this article to get going. Ideally, master one of them before moving on to another. This way, you can increase the chances of getting results instead of spreading yourself too thin. 

Are you finding it hard to get more customers on Instagram? Then Plixi is the right service to help you get more followers and customers on the platform. So what are you waiting for? Start growing and gaining Instagram followers today.

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