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How To Calculate Follower Growth Rate on Instagram

A person holding a phone with social media icons surrounding it.

Learning how to calculate follower growth rate on Instagram is worthwhile to track progress. It’s a percentage-based stat that gives you a snapshot of the progress you make in a given time. You can set a goal for the growth rate so that there’s something to aim for while posting content.  We’ll also share the … Read more

What Is a Good Like-to-Follower Ratio on Instagram?

The word “Social” with apps showing on a mobile device screen.

It’s handy to know what is a good like-to-follower ratio on Instagram. You can use it to determine if your like count is competitive. You’ll also discover what a good average is so you have a solid figure to compare your ratio to.  We’ll also share tips for increasing your follower and like count. This … Read more

How To Build a Big Following on Instagram: Tips That Work!

A woman poses in front of her camera and ring light with baked goods.

You’re currently facing the daunting task of how to build a following on Instagram from scratch. We know what you want. You want an army of loyal, active users that engage with your content. Who doesn’t want this for their IG brand?  Unfortunately, achieving this is harder than it looks (and it already looks pretty … Read more

Instagram Follow Train: Take a Trip to IG Page Growth!

A woman in a red jacket stares at her phone while she crosses a street.

What’s your follower count, if you don’t mind us asking? You may think that’s private information and don’t want to tell us. That’s okay. Whatever it is, we are sure that you would love to have more. That’s one of the goals of having social media platforms, after all. Are you in the market for … Read more

Instagram Scrapers: How Do They Work?

A mobile device on a notepad with the Instagram login page showing.

You can use an Instagram scraper to harvest data from accounts and posts. This includes phone numbers, account usernames, images, and much more. The specific data you can harvest depends on the scraper you use.  However, Instagram doesn’t approve of scrapers, so you must be careful when using the software. Understanding how scrapers work is … Read more

Can I Share My Instagram Account With Another Person?

The Instagram app icon on a smartphone screen with a black background.

Are you asking yourself, “Can I share my Instagram account with another person?” The answer is yes! Read on to learn more details in the article below. We’ll share the different rules and steps you need to know to share your account.  We’ll also cover the best practices for sharing your account and the different … Read more

Instagram Comment Picker Tips That You Need To Know

A woman scrolls on her phone while she enjoys a dessert.

We know you’ve seen an Instagram giveaway before. You may have even entered a few yourself. What’s the harm in trying your luck to see if you are the random winner? It never costs any money, and the prizes always look so good!  You also noticed that they attract a lot of people. There are … Read more

Instagram Spy: Tips for the Sleuths Among Us 

A woman grins at her laptop screen while holding a coffee mug.

You are not the only one who has ever wondered what goes on in someone else’s Instagram direct messages. We’re human, and we are curious. It may pique your curiosity when the person in question is your child or significant other. This is when it is most tempting to become an Instagram spy. Luckily, you … Read more

How To Manage Accounts on Instagram Without Hassle

A phone that’s showing an Instagram app page.

Learning how to manage accounts on Instagram is an ongoing process. However, it’s an important skill to master to facilitate optimal Instagram growth.  In this article, you’ll see that you have multiple features and tools to improve account management.  Also, you can outsource your account management by taking advantage of professional agencies. This is especially … Read more