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Can You See Who Unfollowed You on Instagram Without Tools?

A person taking a picture of their food.

Are you wondering, can you see who unfollowed you on Instagram? You’ll see that it’s possible to find out when a specific person has clicked the unfollow button. We’ll outline the steps in the article below so you can keep tabs.  Figuring out who unfollowed you is useful for personal accounts to find out if … Read more

How To Download a Reel From Instagram Step-by-Step

A person holding a phone and using the Instagram app.

Discover the process for how to download a Reel from Instagram. You can download Reels on your personal computer or mobile device, and they’re available for all accounts. You may wish to download Reels to expand your editing capabilities. Therefore, it’s an excellent feature for content creators who are after more flexibility.  Also, downloading Reels … Read more

Burner Instagram Account 101: What You Need To Know

A man looks at his phone while he holds his coffee.

It’s safe to assume that you have a burner Instagram account. How else do you comfortably traverse the app without people knowing who you are? Part of using social media accounts to the fullest potential is using a burner IG account on occasion. You can use Instagram user search to find a burner Instagram account by … Read more

Instagram Identity Theft: Top Tips To Avoid Being a Victim

A picture of the word “security” with a mouse pointer below it.

Instagram identity theft is more common than you might have thought, and the consequences are high. However, with the advice in this article, you can reduce your chances of falling victim. We’ll share the best strategies to protect your account from getting stolen.  Some topics we’ll cover include adding two-factor authentication and not falling prey … Read more

Why Is My Instagram Not Growing at the Rate That I Want?

A person’s hands hold a cell phone.

Seeing that your content isn’t getting the traction it deserves can be frustrating. As a result, your following seems to be standing in place. Some days, you see progress. On other days, you are fighting to stay afloat. You ask yourself, “Why is my Instagram not growing?”  You would not be the only one to … Read more

Does Instagram Own Your Photos and Video Content?

An elderly couple takes a selfie.

We all watched The Social Network movie starring Jesse Eisenberg. Years later, we heard rumblings that Facebook and Instagram were under the “Meta” umbrella. Still, these small bits and pieces aren’t enough to say we understand Instagram. We don’t know who is in charge, and we don’t know where our photos go after we upload … Read more