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How To Hide Followers on Instagram: Keep Followers a Secret

Plixi Team

Jun 11, 2024 10 min read

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Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms. How many hundred million people all over the world use it? If you’re an Instagram influencer, you’re probably aiming to catch them all.  However, maintaining your privacy on your Instagram profile may be difficult. Strangers online don’t need to know everything. This is especially the case if you have a public profile. This post will take a comprehensive look at the several ways you can control your privacy on Instagram. We will discuss how to hide followers on Instagram. Is it even possible? We will get into it.

How To Hide Followers on Instagram: Keep Followers a Secret

I Want To Know How To Hide Followers on Instagram: Is That Even Possible?

Everyone overshares these days. What’s private anymore? People always share their activity status. Because of this, you ought to exercise some caution. Take certain preventative measures to protect your online persona. You may wish to keep your Instagram following list and follower count private. Some nosy and curious eyes out there don’t mean well. Now, you want to know how to hide followers on Instagram.

Learning how to hide who you follow on Instagram might provide additional privacy for your account. Maybe it would make your online experience feel more genuine by concealing the follower count. Maybe people would be more inclined to follow you for your content. This is as opposed to social proof. But are you capable of doing that? Let’s find out, shall we?

So, is it possible to conceal the list of people you are following and who are following you on Instagram? Sorry! You will not be able to do it.  No matter what kind of account you have, you won’t be able to conceal the numbers. There is never a time when you can’t see these actual statistics. People will see the number of people following you and the number of people who you follow in return.

Whether you like it or not, the number of people who follow you on social media is significant to IG. It is part of what makes social media so powerful. Businesses need these Instagram metrics. It’s part of how you rate engagement and growth. There are things you can do to control who sees what on your account and how they view it.

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How To Hide Your Following List on Instagram: Have You Considered Going Private?

We know you want to know how to hide your following list on Instagram. Unfortunately, Instagram does not have a tool that allows users to “hide followers” or followings. However, we have a solution for how to hide followers on Instagram. It’s pretty simple but not a popular choice for the professional Instagram Influencer. If you want to make money on Instagram, you must think about this.

You have the option of making your Instagram account private. This prevents users who aren’t following you from viewing the accounts you follow. They also won’t see the people who follow you. In this manner, only those people who are following you will have access to these lists.

Do you know how to make your account private? You can refer to the following procedures as a guide:

  1. Go to the page that contains your profile.
  2. To begin, navigate to the upper right corner of your screen.
  3. Click on the three horizontal lines that appear there.
  4. From the menu, select the “Settings and Privacy” option.
  5. Look for “Account Privacy” under “Who can see your content,” then click on it when you find it.
  6. You may confirm the change by clicking the “Change” button after selecting the “private account” option.

Remember that if you have a business profile, you cannot make it private. Is this is the case? Well, you cannot adjust the privacy settings until you move back to a personal account.

You can choose who may view your followers on your Instagram account if you have set it to private mode. The best course of action may be to delete someone as a follower. We suggest this because blocking may be too final. It may rub people the wrong way.

How To Remove Someone From Your Follower List

Maybe you want to know how to hide followers on Instagram because you don’t want people to know someone follows you. Blocking is a great way to rid yourself of a certain follower completely. Are you the type of person who believes blocking another user is an extreme measure? Then, you may consider removing the individuals in question instead.

When you remove a follower from your list, IG will not tell that person. They will know you removed them once they check for themselves.

Here’s the interesting part. If they click on your profile, they will need your permission once more to view your new updates. They don’t have the same access to your profile. You may restrict the visibility of your account to some level by making your profile private.

You could also start removing followers from it. However, you cannot conceal the fact that you have followers. However, at least this method ensures that your audience will only see the total number of followers. They won’t see the list of names.

Now you know you can delete someone from your list of followers. Let’s talk about how you get that done. To unfollow someone, follow these steps:

  1. To access your profile, click the photo of you located on the bottom right side of the page.
  2. Select Followers from the menu at the top.
  3. Click the Remove button located to the right of the follower whose account you would like to delete
  4. Then click Remove again to confirm.
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How To Hide Your Followers on Instagram Without a Private Account

So you know all about the private profile method. Converting the page to a private one is helpful. Still, that may not be the best choice for you. You need to know how to hide your followers on Instagram without a private account. Unfortunately, Instagram does not allow you to conceal the identities of the users that are following you. That’s just how it is right now. You’ll have to explore another way to hide followers on Instagram.

Having a private account on Instagram may be a nightmare for some users. They may want to use the platform for their businesses. They may aspire to become influential figures on the platform. When they go private, they are unable to communicate with a more widespread audience.

But how exactly can you accomplish this without turning your account into a private one?

The solution lies in ‘blocking’ them. Blocking a user is the most reliable method for preventing someone from viewing your followers. They also won’t see the users you are following yourself.

To prevent someone from seeing your posts on Instagram, you must:

  1. Find the user whose followers you wish to conceal.
  2. Then, click on their profile after you’ve located them.
  3. To access the options menu, choose the three dots that appear in the upper right corner of the screen.
  4. Click the Block button.
  5. At this point, you will see two different choices. One suggests you “Block… and any other accounts they may have or create.” We recommend that you select that option.

Don’t worry if you change your mind about blocking someone on Instagram. There is no need for concern because you will always have the option to unblock them in the future. 

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How To Hide Followers on Instagram: Consider This Before Acting Too Quickly

I understand that you’re eager to understand how to hide followers on Instagram. You need to make sure you make no rash moves, though. Several downsides should come into consideration.

How often will you delete followers from your account? Your total number of followers may go down as a result. Do you want to keep a strong presence on the platform? This might not be the best course of action for you to take.

If you delete followers, you will see a reduction in the amount of engagement you receive. Even if the followers left harassing comments, they still counted as engagement. This is why some pages encourage debates. A comment is the same as an algorithm. Your followers are most likely to be the ones who engage with your types of content in some way. This is whether they like, comment, or share. You may also notice a decrease in these interactions as a result of eliminating them. This will have an effect not just on your reach but also on your visibility.

It’s possible that blocking other users will make your experience worse. This may have an impact on the general engagement as well as the dynamics of your profile. You must give careful consideration to the implications of blocking someone. Is it worth it if there are other options?

No certainty blocking will make a person completely invisible. If your profile is set to public, restricted people can still see your page. They just have to log out of their account or use a different one. This would render knowing how to hide who you follow on Instagram null.

Soon You’ll Know How To Hide Followers on Instagram

We know this isn’t a direct answer to how to hide followers on Instagram. They are simply the best pieces of advice to date in light of IG’s privacy policies. You won’t have to suffer like this forever, though. How do we know? Instagram is working on a new layer of privacy feature that will allow users to conceal their followers list. This is according to the most recent tweet released by Ahmed Ghanem, a marketing and social media expert. It’s currently under development.

Users will have the ability to adjust the display of their followers’ lists one day. It may be more challenging for unknown users to locate and target people on a person’s following list.

Not everyone wants to know how to hide who you follow on Instagram. There is a possibility that some users would not desire to conceal their follower list. The functionality will continue to be opt-in only. Ideally, you can turn the functionality on and off at any moment. This is so much better than switching from private to public.

Those users who have a private account already can decide who they wish to follow them. The new function will be useful for users who have public profiles viewable by the whole public.

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Learn How To Keep Increasing Those Follower Numbers 

When Plixi steps in, it won’t matter if you know how to hide followers on Instagram. Your growth will be so high that you won’t notice removing a follower. Additionally, the followers that remain will engage with your content in a meaningful way.

Our company looks at the process of making content from a more complete point of view. We know the ways to create and maintain growth.

By using natural growth tactics, you can build an audience that cares about your content and engages with it. We want you to think about what we have to say.  We are very interested in seeing how your platform grows and changes. You will have the chance to build a large Instagram network of people who love your niche content.

Are you willing to put in the work needed to increase the number of Instagram fans you already have? When you start using Plixi, the number of people following you on Instagram will almost quickly increase. As long as you use Plixi, this growth will keep going on. Join us in growing from now on!

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