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How To Grow Your Instagram Business To Get More Customers

Plixi Team

Jun 24, 2024 10 min read

10x Faster Instagram Growth. Automatically.

There are several ways how to grow your Instagram business over the competition. You’ll see a wide range of strategies, and using them all is the best approach. 

That’s because customers interface with the internet in various ways. This means you need to have multiple methods for getting the attention of a wider audience. 

In this article, we’ll cover free and paid Instagram business growth strategies. We’ll also help you understand the best metrics to aim for as a business. Therefore, you can set up a constructive business plan with targets that make sense. 

Continue reading to learn how to grow your business on Instagram!

How To Grow Your Instagram Business To Get More Customers

Open Your Instagram Business Account

One of the first steps you must take is to open an Instagram business account. This process is free, and you can open more than one IG account at a time. 

In fact, you can have five Instagram accounts under the same email and switch between them. This means you can have a personal and business account on Instagram at the same time. 

Here are the top advantages of opening your own Instagram business account:

  • Profile customization: You can add information about your business, which includes the email, phone number, and address. Furthermore, you can choose your business category. This herpes potential customer determines if your business is relevant to their interests. 
  • Instagram Insights: Creating a business account on Instagram allows you to access the Instagram Insights analytics tool. Here, you can keep track of engagement metrics to learn what content is working and needs optimization. 
  • Shopping features: Access to shipping features is vital for creating a complete checkout experience on Instagram. This means customers can buy products directly on Instagram, so there’s no need to generate referral traffic to an external website. 
  • Instagram ads: Business accounts on Instagram allow you to create ads. For example, you can promote regular posts by increasing their reach to a wider audience. 
  • Branded hashtags: You’ll have access to branded hashtags, which help IG users find your content. 
  • Facebook Ads Manager: After creating your IG business account, consider linking it to your Facebook account. This allows you to access even more data about your target audience.
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How To Grow Your Instagram Business Page Organically

Are you interested in learning how to grow your Instagram business page organically? Organic growth strategies are those where you don’t need to spend money. This excludes buying Instagram followers or paying for Instagram ads. 

1. Optimize Your Profile

You can get more followers by taking the time to improve the quality of your Instagram profile. After all, users must visit your IG profile to click the Follow button. Most IG users inspect the profile page before deciding if the content is of interest. 

Make sure that the profile picture is your business logo. This will help your audience identify if they have the right account for your brand. Also, create a descriptive caption that uses target keywords. This will increase your account’s searchability. 

Did you know that you can add a number of Instagram Stories to your profile page? This is possible through Instagram Highlights. You can significantly expand the amount of content on your profile page. Consider adding an FAQ section and Stories for new visitors in the form of a welcome message. 

2. Post Content Frequently

The more content you post, the higher your Instagram follower count and engagement rate. That’s because active users love to consume a high amount of content on a daily basis. If you stop posting, your audience will turn to your competitors. 

Here are some tips for ensuring your post content on a regular basis:

  • Content repurposing: This involves taking advantage of existing digital assets and using them for content creation on Instagram. For example, you can break up a podcast into Instagram Reels. This saves you money since there’s no need to spend extra on content production. Hence, you can post content often since you’ll have a lot of options. The type of content that is a good candidate for repurposing must be engaging and offer value. 
  • Instagram scheduling tools: You can utilize Instagram scheduling tools to automate the content publishing process. This will help you post content more frequently since you can create a content batch ahead of time. These tools allow you to automate the painting of different content types, which includes regular posts, Reels, and Stories. 
  • Leverage different content types: Take advantage of all the different types of content you can publish on Instagram. This gives you more content ideas, which means you can publish more often. 

3. Work With Instagram Influencers

You can find Instagram influencers to collaborate with in any niche. This allows you to access new audiences and potentially increase your follower counts to new heights. Likewise, other content creators are also looking for accounts for partnership. 

However, it’s vital to look for collaboration partners with audiences interested in our business. This ensures a healthy conversion rate when pitching your products or services. 

Also, conduct yourself professionally as a business owner. This means you’ll need to use a respectful and constructive tone in messages. Also, lay out the terms of the collaboration and what you expect. This ensures that you are productive and don’t turn into a disagreement.

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What Instagram Metrics Business Must Track

Now, let’s turn our attention to the top metrics that your business must track on Instagram. This is a vital aspect of how to grow your Instagram for business. That’s because these metrics will help you track progress and identify the weaker areas of your account. 

Here are the noteworthy metrics you must track as an Instagram business:

  • Engagement metrics: A number of engagement metrics are important to understand account performance. These include the number of likes, comments, shares, and saves. You’ll want to improve these metrics to ensure your content drives account growth. 
  • Reach and impressions: Reach is the number of unique accounts that view a piece of content. Furthermore, impression is the number of views a piece of content receives. You’ll want to monitor both metrics to keep track of the number of people who view your content. 
  • Followers: Track the total number of followers for your Instagram account. Customers, followers, competitors, and influencers pay attention to the total follower count, which is a shorthand way to determine an account’s overall popularity. 
  • Ad metrics: It’s vital to monitor Ad metrics to ensure you get the best ROI. You’ll need to track metrics such as ad reach and impressions, click-through rate (CTR), and cost per click. You can view all of these metrics within the Instagram Insights console. 
  • Hashtag performance: It’s vital to use the best hashtags to improve your marketing strategy. That’s because a handful of effective hashtags can drive a lot of traffic to your Instagram content. 
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How To Grow Your Small Business on Instagram

Are you curious about how to grow your small business on Instagram? You’ll need to make the most of a limited budget when you’re a small business. Therefore, you must implement strategies that don’t cost a lot of money and are beginner-friendly. 

In this section, we’ll share four ideas on how you can start a small business on Instagram. 

1. Tell Your Brand Story

New brands on Instagram need to tell their brand story so that new customers can learn about the unique selling point. Make sure that you share behind-the-scenes content and stories that show the human side of your business. 

Additionally, maintain a consistent and authentic brand voice in all your posts and interactions. Consistency helps avoid confusion about your brand story. That’s because you’ll need to reinforce what your brand is about. 

2. Use Hashtags Strategically

You’ll need to pick the right hashtags to drive traffic to your Instagram content. As a small business, you can save money on ads by using organic traffic generation methods like hashtags. Here are a few of the top ideas to consider when using hashtags on the platform:

  • Research relevant hashtags: You can start by researching the most relevant hashtags for your industry. Consider looking at the hashtags your competitors use for the best results. Furthermore, you can find trending hashtags that are new and popular. 
  • Popular and niche hashtags: Ideally, you will incorporate a mixture of popular hashtags with high competition and niche-specific ones. This ensures you can get a steady stream of traffic from various sources. 
  • Optimize the number of hashtags: At first, you may be tempted to add as many hashtags as you can. However, this makes your content look like spam, which can reduce engagement. Instagram allows up to 30 hashtags per post, but around 4-6 is perhaps a better amount. 
  • Hashtags tool: Business owners can simplify the process of adding the right hashtags with tools. For instance, you can use a hashtag generator to save time when you post content. 

3. Hire an Instagram Marketing Agency

Do you feel overwhelmed by the amount of work you need to grow your business on Instagram? Then, you can hire a professional marketing agency to complete the work for you. They can take the right approach from day one, which frees you up to complete other business tasks. 

Make sure to find a marketing agency that has a good reputation and understands your industry. You’ll need to do background research to find out what other clients say about their service. Also, you’ll need a service that offers good customer support you can turn to anytime. Ideally, you’ll have multiple contact options, which include live chat, phone, and email. 

Take note of the marketing strategies the service will deploy. This will help you determine if the service will use any questionable methods that can land your account in trouble. 

4. Create High-Quality Content

It’s important to create high-quality content that stands out in your niche. After all, Instagram audiences come to the platform to digest content. Focus on delivering value; the rest will fall into place, including massive business success. 

Here are a few ideas on how to create high-quality content:

  • Plan your content: You need a systematic and creative way to improve the quality of the content. This ensures you don’t need to rely on last-minute ideas to put anything out there. There are a lot of places where you can get content ideas. 
  • Visual quality: Instagram is a visual platform that relies on amazing photos and videos. The top content creators spare no expense in quality equipment. This means your content production efforts must keep up, or the audience will notice. 
  • Understand the audience: Knowing what your audience wants is vital, which means you must do market research. Take the time to understand what drives your audience and the content they consume daily.
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Is Growing Your Business on Instagram a Good Investment?

Yes, growing your business on Instagram can be a good investment when using the right strategies. You’ll need to estimate the amount of money you invest for each method and get a positive return. With a positive return, you can then reinvest the funds to scale growth. 

When learning how to grow your Instagram business, it’s important to get all the help you need. This gives you a fighting chance to beat competitors and increase market share. However, Instagram is one of the more competitive social networks. 

Therefore, consider using Plixi for your Instagram business growth needs. We work with a wide range of business clients daily with a high level of success. We can also target audiences in any industry to help with customer generation. 

So what are you waiting for? Start growing and gaining Instagram followers today.

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