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Mother’s Day Instagram Captions To Honor That Special Woman 

Plixi Team

Jun 13, 2024 10 min read

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We know you love your mother and want to immortalize her on your Instagram page. You already had a heart-to-heart this morning, and now you want to share your love for her with the world. If you are at a loss for words, these Mother’s Day Instagram captions should help. 

They will apply to your biological mother, adopted mother, or mother figure. Whoever they are, we are sure they will feel the love.

Mother’s Day Instagram Captions To Honor That Special Woman 

Happy Mother’s Day Quotes From Popular Figures

Your mother is indescribable. How can you formulate your feelings for her into words? You shouldn’t have to do that when there are so many happy Mother’s Day quotes out there. We have listed some that you can use for your Mother’s Day IG caption below:

  • “When you are looking at your mother, you are looking at the purest love you will ever know.” Noted! — Charley Benetto
  • “It may be possible to gild pure gold, but who can make his mother more beautiful?” — Mahatma Gandhi
  • “A mother’s arms are more comforting than anyone else’s.” — Princess Diana
  • “Only mothers can think of the future because they give birth to it in their children.” — Maxim Grosky
  • “All that I am, or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.” — Abraham Lincoln
  • “Mother is one to whom you hurry when you are troubled.” — Emily Dickinson
  • “If love is as sweet as a flower, then my mother is that sweet flower of love.” — Stevie Wonder
  • “There is no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one.” — Jill Churchill
  • She is clothed with strength and dignity and laughs without fear of the future. When she speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness.” — Proverbs 31
  • “A mother is a person who, seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie.” — Tenneva Jordan
  • “To describe my mother would be to write about a hurricane in its perfect power.” — Maya Angelou
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Mother’s Day Photo Ideas That She Will Love

Your Mother’s Day Instagram caption is important. Still, you can’t have a caption without an actual picture. Now, you need help with the actual photo part of the post. Fortunately, we have some Mother’s Day photo ideas that you might love. 

Throwback Pictures of Your Mother

Everyone can see that you are beautiful. Your photos are popular, and people can’t wait to see what you post. Maybe it’s time for you to give them the secrets. And by that, we mean you could post a photo of your mother when she was younger. 

Do you have any vintage pictures of your mother? What about that one where she looks exactly like you? 

Maybe everyone would love to see the resemblance. Modern-day photos are lovely, but they don’t have the same charm as a photo that is a little blurry or stained. There is a certain charm in seeing the fashions of the years before us. 

Maybe you could poke fun at what used to be in style. Of course, the majority of your Mother’s Day Instagram caption would be showering her with praise. Your Instagram caption could also talk about how times have changed. Talk about how, in her day, she accomplished so much. 

These days, people are doing things differently and a lot later in life. A little bit of reflection could go a long way.

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A Great Memory

Choose a post where you reflect on a great memory. Maybe it was your graduation. It could be your dance recital when you were seven years old. Of course, you don’t want to make the post all about you. 

Talk about the part that your mother played in your success. It could be her words of encouragement or sacrifices along the way. Your Mother’s Day IG caption could invoke a lot of emotion out of you and your followers. 

These memories don’t have to be huge events. Something very small could be very impactful to you. Remember to be happy about even the seemingly insignificant memories with this amazing woman. 

Of course, this is your Instagram page. You don’t have to stick to just one of our suggestions. You could create a post with multiple photos that fall into each of these categories. You just have to ensure that you honor your mother in the way she deserves.

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Mother’s Day Instagram Captions for Business Accounts on IG

We hate to say it, but this date is another opportunity for consumerism. This is when brands everywhere brainstorm to increase their sales on this day. If you have an Instagram business, it could also be a great opportunity for you. 

Maybe you want to increase engagement on your page, draw more attention to your products, or increase your sales. We can help you with content and captions to increase your online performance. Here are some ideas for your Mother’s Day Instagram captions for business.

Ask Your Followers To Choose From a Carousel Post

Do you want to increase your engagement? There are a few metrics that you should be paying attention to. You want to increase your comments, likes, and shares. 

When someone shares your post, it’s like getting a free advertisement. You can reach an audience that you couldn’t organically. The receiver of the post gets a recommendation from a friend who knows them well. This takes a lot of the work away from you. 

So, it makes sense to want to do things that increase the chances of this. Simply asking people to share your post is too easy and a bit lazy. We can be more creative than that. Your Mother’s Day captions for Instagram can inspire sharing by doing this. 

Create a post with several photos surrounding the same topic. It could include multiple gift or vacation spot ideas or a carousel of different outfits. In the caption, you would encourage the viewer to share the option that most represents their mother. 

You could also encourage them to share with their sibling. They can also share it with their mother if they are on Instagram. People find it fun to guess what someone else would like. In the meantime, your brand gets more visibility from this. 

You can also use carousel posts with an Instagram poll. In the caption, you could have them vote from the options in the post. This could increase engagement on the post as well. Ask them the same question: “Which one would your mother choose?” It could spur on some conversation in the comment section as well.

Host a Giveaway

Instagram contests and giveaways are very popular for businesses. There is just something about the possibility of getting something for free. You can capitalize on this human desire during Mother’s Day as well. Dedicate your Mother’s Day caption for Instagram to giving instructions for a giveaway. 

A contest can attract a lot of attention to your business and increase its reputation on the Instagram platform. It’s smart to capitalize on the high spirits people are feeling around this special day.

You could do a standard giveaway. This is where you have people enter the giveaway by doing basic tasks. These tasks include liking, commenting, and sharing the post. 

Of course, you can also require that they follow your page. Choosing a winner this way can be relatively easy. You just need an Instagram giveaway picker. These tools choose winners at random.

It won’t matter what the participants say in the comments when you do it that way. The tool will simply pick one. Or, you could make the competition a bit more meaningful. 

Instead of just regular comments, people should write about their mothers. You could have people say their deep feelings about their mothers. They could talk about a specific event involving their mothers. 

Then, as the business owner, you would choose the best possible answer from the entries. This can’t be random because it requires discretion from an actual human. It takes more energy from you, but it’s a good way to show brand involvement. 

Your Mother’s Day Instagram caption would explain what they should do. Either approach could be successful for your business.

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Put a Smile on Her Face With These Funny Mother’s Day Captions for Instagram

People like acting like dads are the playful ones. But some of us got our sense of humor from our mothers. Your Mother’s Day Instagram caption could pay homage to this excellent trait. Look at some of these funny Mother’s Day captions for Instagram:

  • “She wore Mom jeans before it was cool.”
  • “Happy Mother’s Day to the person who uses my voicemail like a podcast.”
  • “I love how we don’t have to say out loud that I’m your favorite child.”
  • “Cheers to the woman who gave up wine for nine months just for me.”
  • “I love you, even though I’ll never accept your follow request.”
  • “Mom, I’m sorry for all the times I didn’t take the chicken out of the freezer. I get it now.”
  • “Mom, I love you loads. Speaking of, can you do my laundry?”
  • “Motherhood: Powered by love. Fueled by coffee. Sustained by wine.”
  • “Mothers don’t sleep. They just worry with their eyes closed.”
  • “Mom: My greatest teacher, my best friend, and my cheapest therapist.”
  • “Dear Mom, I get it now.”
  • “Nothing is lost until your mother can’t find it.”
  • “Thanks for always loving me, even through all my awkward phases.”
  • “She’s not like a regular mom; she’s a cool mom!”
  • “Keep calm and call your mom.”
  • “Parenting sure is hard work. How do you manage to look so young and stress-free all the time?”
  • “Have a real mother of a Mother’s Day.”
  • “Mom, you’re one of my favorite parents (definitely top two).”
  • “Mom, I turned out awesome because of you.” 
  • “Mom, thanks for teaching me to stop and sip the rosé.”
  • “If at first you don’t succeed, try doing it the way mom told you to in the beginning.”
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Build on Your First Mother’s Day Captions for Instagram

Your first Mother’s Day captions for Instagram. It may not be the best. But you can improve with time. Captions like these aren’t magnets for growth on the platform. But you know what it is? Growth experts like the ones at Plixi. Our advanced targeting techniques will draw in the following that you need.

There is an in-house platform for Instagram influencers. The support they get from our AI targeting algorithm is amazing. We see you reaping in the following that you want. 

More people will see your Mother’s Day Instagram captions. Are you ready to start growing your Instagram following? Speak to one of the experts at Plixi today.

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