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How To Boost Followers on Instagram – Top Methods Revealed!


Plixi Team

Sep 04, 2023 13 min read

10x Faster Instagram Growth. Automatically.

Learning how to boost followers on Instagram correctly is fun and rewarding. You can take your brand to new heights, increase authority, or ensure your message reaches more people. Also, it’s pretty cool watching your subscriber count grow every time you log back in.

We’ve added the best strategies you can try today to ensure you don’t waste time growing your Instagram subscriber count. The top Instagram accounts across multiple niches use these methods. Hence, you can depend on them to push your follower number up if you’re willing to do the work.

How To Boost Followers on Instagram – Top Methods Revealed!

Why Learning How To Boost Followers on Instagram Matters?

You might wonder why learning how to boost followers on Instagram is worth your time since it can take a lot of effort. Getting more followers helps improve credibility. That’s because the audience is more likely to pay attention to Instagram accounts with 500,000 followers versus ones with 500.

Furthermore, higher Instagram follower counts increase the chances of other brands working with you. Eventually, the number of offers you receive provides you the freedom to pick brands you want to work with. The quality of offers will increase too. Brands are willing to pay more if you have a higher Instagram follower count.

Instagram is a competitive social media platform. So, you’ll need to deploy a strategy that maximizes your resources. Using the tips and strategies outlined in this article helps tilt the odds of success in your favor.

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How To Boost Followers on Instagram for Free?

There are many methods for how to boost followers on Instagram for free. These methods are ideal for new users and businesses with a limited marketing budget. Also, using these strategies doesn’t require advanced knowledge or skills. Anyone can do it by taking action.

Improve Your Instagram Profile

Your Instagram profile needs to stand out and look presentable. Here are a few ideas to implement:

  • Professional picture: make sure the Instagram image includes your best picture that you wouldn’t mind sharing at a business meeting or job interview. Alternatively, businesses can use their logo.
  • Search-friendly username: ensuring your name is easy to search for increases the likelihood of followers remembering it. Ideally, it should be your brand name to ensure continuity with other marketing efforts.
  • Description: use the text to describe what your Instagram profile is about. This helps new visitors determine if your profile matches their preferences.

How To Boost Followers on Instagram With a Consistent Content Calendar

Knowing how to boost followers on Instagram is all about momentum. Hence, you must create a content calendar that ensures you post and release with good frequency. It ensures that followers understand when to expect your content.

Also, don’t post content at random times. Instead, figure out the best times to post on Instagram to increase your chances of getting the biggest impact. Make sure that you stick to these posting times and inform your audience if there will be changes.

Relevant Hashtags

Hashtags are one of the answers to how to boost followers on Instagram. Use them to identify what your Instagram posts are about. Include a mixture of industry-related hashtags and provocative ones.

Also, pay attention to the hashtags used by your biggest Instagram competitors. You may uncover ones that help drive large amounts of traffic.

How to Boost Followers on Instagram Through Content Strategy

It’s not enough to simply post content regularly. Make sure every post has something interesting to share — whether it’s news, a funny story, or an inspirational message. Plan your content out ahead of time so there’s a mix of posts. Think quality over quantity, and your audience will reward your posts with more engagement and perhaps a follow. Strategizing how to boost followers on Instagram takes planning to get right.

Storytelling can work well for creating a better understanding of your brand. For example, storytelling posts could feature your team if they don’t mind appearing on social media. You can showcase your production process and what goes on behind the scenes. This also helps the audience connect with your brand.

Instagram Stories Highlights

Think of Instagram Stories Highlights as a story pinned on your profile. This allows every visitor to see the story when checking out your Instagram profile. It’s perfect if you want some stories not to disappear after 24 hours, which is their default setting.

You can use the stories to provide a welcome message for new visitors. Share what your Instagram channel is about and why they should follow. It’s one of the first things you should do when strategizing how to boost followers on Instagram.

How To Boost Followers on Instagram Using Instagram Reels

You can think of Instagram Reels as TikTok videos that are short and snappy. In fact, there’s a 15-second time limit, and you get a bunch of creative tools to edit the video. This allows the video to stand out and potentially go viral. Once it does, learning how to boost followers on Instagram becomes easy.

Also, you can increase the shareability of Instagram Reels by adding a great cover image, captions, hashtags, and more. Not sure what Instagram Reels to create? Then check out what your competition is up to. You’ll quickly discover what works and may give you ideas on creating your own.

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How To Boost Posts on Instagram To Get Followers?

It’s possible to boost Instagram posts by turning them into ads using your computer or mobile app. To boost, you need to toggle on the Create Ad option before you share the Instagram post. It’s a proven strategy for how to boost posts on Instagram to get followers.

The amount of money you allocate for advertising dictates the size of your boost. You can get many new followers by advertising using this method. Make sure to include a wide range of hashtags.

Want to get even more traffic? Then rotate the hashtags to target different audiences. This ensures you don’t spam your post with many hashtags simultaneously, yet experiment with different options to increase traffic.

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How To Boost Followers on Instagram Business Account?

Businesses that leverage the power of Instagram to build their brand can increase their sales, brand recognition, followers, and loyal customers. Also, it’s a great way to showcase new products and share industry-related news.

Are you wondering how to boost followers on Instagram for your business? Then continue reading for a few strategies top brands are already using.

How To Boost Followers on Instagram by Utilizing Brand Ambassadors

Take advantage of the large audience other Instagram users have built. You can promote your Instagram profile to receive more followers. Ideally, find brand ambassadors with an audience that is your target market. This will attract more followers and increase the number of users who find your products appealing. Hence, the process of how to boost followers on Instagram is faster through leverage.

Mention Other Instagram Accounts

It might seem counterproductive to mention other Instagram accounts in your posts. After all, focus on promoting your business. However, mentioning other accounts makes it more likely they will do the same. This can be an effective way to generate incoming traffic from popular Instagram accounts in your niche.

Promote Instagram on Your Website

Add Instagram follow buttons on your business website and make it obvious. Ideally, the buttons should be placed above the fold, adding a call to action. This is an effective strategy if you have a high-traffic website. Leveraging your other online assets to gain more Instagram followers is inexpensive and fast.

How To Boost Followers on Instagram by Asking for the Follow

Asking users to follow your Instagram account will increase the subscriber rate. Always ask for the follow, whether you’re sharing a story, creating a reel, or posting a picture. This reminds users that might otherwise ignore the follow button. It’s a proven strategy for how to boost Instagram followers used by most content creators.

Furthermore, you should blend the follow request with the rest of the content. This makes it seem more natural and less like spam. Also, share what followers of your Instagram channel can expect. Provide details of the benefits and the type of content they can expect to receive.

Create Content Ahead of Time

You can create content months in advance and schedule the release of each post. This ensures that you have a consistent flow of content. Otherwise, you may get overwhelmed if you have a busy few weeks with your business.

However, you should also mix in timely posts referencing topics that are currently popular. This can include news, and product releases your audience would find interesting.

How To Boost Followers on Instagram With Content Repurposing

To make the most of your available resources, consider content repurposing. This entails using content you have on other platforms and altering it to match the audience’s expectations on Instagram. Content repurposing is an inexpensive strategy when planning how to boost followers on Instagram.

For example, consider cutting and sharing on Instagram if you have many YouTube videos and Facebook posts. You could have months’ worth of content at your disposal. This saves time and money, which allows you to spend more business resources on other money-generating activities.

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How To Boost Followers on Instagram by Targeting the Audience

It’s important to understand your audience on Instagram to ensure each post, Instagram reel, and story has the biggest impact. You can’t assume that the audience on Instagram is the same as on other social media channels, your website, or other digital platforms. It’s one of the basics when creating a strategy on how to boost followers on Instagram.

Furthermore, here are a few things you should consider when targeting the right audience:

  • Participate in conversation: Take the time to interact with other users on your posts. This will help you understand the kind of people who are viewing your content. Hence, you can increase the targeting of future posts to match the audience better.
  • Ask your audience: You can create a poll to ask what they want to see more and less. This shows you care about your audience’s wants, and the interactivity may boost loyalty.
  • Competitive intelligence: Look at how your competitors are targeting their audiences. Since there’s a lot of audience overlap, you can utilize their research to your advantage. Hence, you can quickly determine the details of your target audience instead of taking years.
  • Geotagging: Do you want to get followers from a specific town, state, or country? Then take advantage of Instagram’s geo-tagging features. Geo tagging is useful if you want to sell products or services to customers in a specific geographical area.
  • Demographics: Take advantage of Instagram analytics to receive a breakdown of your audience. You can view information such as their location and age.

Don‘t forget to build a buyer persona and make it detailed. This includes determining the demographics, buying preferences, problems, interests, and more. Once you have built one, you can create a character based on those attributes. Include this character in your Instagram posts so your audience can connect.

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How To Boost Your Instagram Followers Quickly?

Don’t have the patience to wait a long time to learn how to grow your Instagram audience? Then you can learn how to boost your Instagram followers using fast strategies. Firstly, you should consider what assets you have online where you already have large audiences.

This could be your website, other social media channels, and email list. You can funnel your audience from those other assets to your Instagram profile. You may experience quick results if you have a large following on those other digital assets. Also, implementing this strategy on how to boost Instagram followers is fast and costs nothing. That’s perfect if you wish to save funds for other marketing channels.

Also, engage with your customers on every post to increase their likelihood of becoming followers. This means you maximize the chances of getting the most followers from each post.

Of course, engaging with every follower can be time-consuming. Hence, consider outsourcing the work to professionals that can post comments on behalf of your brand.

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How To Boost Followers on Instagram the Wrong Way

There are multiple methods of how to boost followers on Instagram you shouldn’t try. That’s because they are against the rules and can get your account banned. Also, it’s not a good look for your brand if followers find out.

Buying Instagram traffic is one of the top wrong methods you should avoid. Here are a few reasons why it’s a bad idea:

  • Trust loss: You may lose the trust of every follower you acquire if they find out. That’s because it’s a shady tactic. Hence, they might suspect you’re using other questionable strategies.
  • Lack of engagement: Buying Instagram followers doesn’t lead to more engagement. That’s because those accounts are usually inactive. So, it will be obvious that you bought Instagram followers if there’s a high follower count and little engagement.
  • Fake followers: The fake followers you buy will not buy your products, subscribe to your newsletter, or share your posts. Hence, the value you receive versus the risk is not worth it.
  • Instagram may catch you: Instagram actively polices instances of buying followers. They have various methods, including third-party apps and other events causing a red flag. For example, your account is flagged if it gains many followers quickly.
  • Waste of money: The money you spend trying to game the system with fake followers will be better spent elsewhere. Instead, you can hire a professional to manage your Instagram account and grow the follower count organically.
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Final Thoughts on How To Boost Followers on Instagram

Don’t forget to use the proven strategies in this article when figuring out how to boost followers on Instagram. Some methods are quicker than others, but they should use them all as part of a comprehensive approach. This ensures you have the best chance to get the maximum number of followers for your niche.

Once you get traction and the follower count begins to grow, the momentum will increase. Other users will share your posts and Instagram account if the content is good. So focus on quality posts, and your Instagram account may go viral.

At Plixi, we’ve created an in-house platform of Instagram influencers and a proprietary AI targeting algorithm over the last few years. It’s our secret sauce for reaching targeted, interested and engaged active users. And that’s why we are the best in the business and can create an Instagram community that lasts! Start growing and gaining Instagram followers today.

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