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Instagram Impressions Decoded: Here’s What You Need To Know

Plixi Team

Jun 11, 2024 11 min read

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Instagram impressions are a useful metric to monitor in your IG analytics console. It relates to the performance of your content, so you can figure out what’s working and where improvement is required.

This article will explain how to improve your impressions on Instagram, the top things to avoid while improving them, and how they compare to reach on Instagram. Understanding the basics of impressions is essential for any Instagram account holder to get the most out of the platform.

Instagram Impressions Decoded: Here’s What You Need To Know

What Are Impressions On Instagram?

Impressions on Instagram are the number of times users viewed your story, post, or other content on the platform. Note that a single user can view your content 100 times, and this leads to 100 Instagram impressions.

Impressions are a good metric to monitor in your Instagram analytics data to figure out the top-performing posts and stories. Perhaps you’ll spot some commonalities between the top posts so that you can replicate the results in the future.

You can view impressions on Instagram for every content type and filter based on keywords and hashtags. Therefore, you can quickly find the post you’re interested in to learn more about analytically.

Instagram Impressions vs. Reach

It’s important to understand Instagram impressions vs. reach, so you can pay attention to the metric providing the right insight. The Instagram reach metric is the number of unique viewers who look at a piece of content. In comparison, Instagram impressions are the number of times content has been viewed.

For example, a single user can look at your post 1,000 times and generate 1,000 impressions but only 1 reach. Therefore, reach is a good metric to receive insight into the number of different users who have watched your content. Whereas impressions provide key insights about the rewatch value of your content.

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3 Advantages Of Generating More IG Impressions

There are several advantages to securing more Instagram impressions for your content. Understanding these benefits helps justify spending more time and resources on generating more. In this section, we’ll share the top three benefits you should know about. 

1. Instagram Impressions Lead To More Followers

Getting more Instagram impressions results in a higher follower count. That’s because users who enjoy your content will decide to click the follow button to receive content regularly. Consequently, the impression count will increase even further as those followers consume your content.

To aid the process of increasing your follower count, suggest clicking the follow button. Adding a call to action increases the chances of getting casual viewers to become followers.

2. Higher Counts Lead to Popularity

Some Instagram users prefer to follow accounts with higher popularity. They pay attention to the number of likes on posts and followers for the attached IG account. Therefore, you’ll need to increase your Instagram impressions if you’d like to boost those metrics.

Also, once your popularity increases, other Instagram influencers will take notice. This might lead to networking opportunities so that you can increase your authority in the niche. Hence, your message and content will have more weight in the future.

3. More Impressions Means Higher Sales

Are you using your Instagram account as part of a sales funnel to generate more sales? Then getting more Instagram impressions ensures an increase in the number of people who view your offer. Hence, you may receive more customers by focusing on generating more impressions for posts, stories, and reels.

However, you need to consider the target audience for your products and ensure it overlaps with the content you’re putting out.

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How To Increase Instagram Impressions

There are many ways to increase Instagram impressions so you can grow the popularity of your content. This section covers the most popular methods that will work for most accounts in different niches. After all, the top IG accounts on the platform use these strategies with great success. 

Increase Impressions With Different Content Types

You can increase the number of Instagram impressions your content receives by adding variety to your content. That’s because some users prefer to view your content in short-form videos, while others are here just for the pictures.

Here’s a list of the most popular Instagram content types you should add to your strategy:

  • Instagram Stories: Use Instagram Stories if you’d like to share content with your audience for just 24 hours. Instagram Stories automatically delete from public view within 24 hours. It’s a great way to deliver news and updates you don’t want to linger on your profile. However, it’s possible to pin some Instagram Stories on your account page. 
  • Instagram Reels: Use Instagram Reels to share short-form videos of up to 15 seconds long. It’s a popular way to consume content on most social media platforms, so using Instagram Reels is a great strategy for any niche. 
  • Photos: Instagram is primarily known for photos, and that’s generally what people expect to see when logging in. Therefore, no matter what other content type you use on your IG profile, make sure to have an excellent photos content strategy too. 
  • Instagram Live: When you get the right target audience on your Instagram Live streams, direct them to content you want to increase impressions for. People love interacting with live streams, and they give you more depth to create content that stands out.

Get More Insta Impressions With Influencers

Taking advantage of the large audiences of existing Instagram Influencers is a great strategy for increasing impressions on Instagram. Simply reach out to these influencers and ask for a mention. You can offer products, money, or other rewards for the collaboration.

Alternatively, you can mention other Instagram influencers in your content and comments section. They might notice this and return the favor by giving you a shout-out. It’s a great way to access a new Instagram audience you would not have otherwise.

Use Instagram Insights To Analyze Data

You can take advantage of Instagram Insights, which is an analytics tool on the social media platform. It provides insights such as impressions for various content types. Hence, you can determine the content that received the fewest impressions.

After digging into the data, you may realize that specific content types receive the fewest impressions. Equipped with this information, you’ll know what content type to avoid in the future. 

Increase Impressions With Audience Feedback

Ask your audience for feedback on the type of content they’d like to view more. This provides a direction for your content strategy based on research rather than randomness. You can use this strategy when you’re new to a niche and unsure what the audience wants. Using this method will increase Instagram impressions since you’re giving what the audience has asked for.

You can also monitor the comments section of your content to view audience feedback. It’s time-consuming, but you’ll get accurate insight that’s actionable. It also leads to higher engagement rates since your audience will notice that you care about what the audience thinks. Value audience impressions, and they will return the favor by viewing your content.

Get More With Content Repurposing

Are you running out of content to post, and you’re unhappy with the number of Instagram impressions? Then you can add more content to your Instagram account with repurposing. This lets you use content you’ve already created on other digital platforms.

This includes other social media websites and your website. For example, you can turn a YouTube video into several shorts and post them as Instagram Reels content. You’ll need to hire an editor or do it yourself if you have the skills.

Content repurposing saves money since you don’t need to create content from scratch. Also, it gives you ideas when you are stuck or don’t have the time to develop daily content.

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How To Find Impressions on Instagram?

Are you trying to figure out how to find impressions on Instagram? Then you’ll need to visit the Instagram insights page, where you can view a wide range of metrics, including the impressions for your Instagram content. You should visit this page to keep an eye on your Instagram impressions often, so you can better understand what posts are successful.

The Instagram insights dashboard updates in real time so that you can view up-to-date information. Also, it’s 100% accurate since the data comes from Instagram directly. Therefore, you can receive actionable insights allowing you to improve the quality of your content moving forward.

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4 Things To Avoid Doing That Negatively Impact IG Impressions

Let’s focus on the top things to avoid to keep your Instagram impressions growing. Any one of these things can potentially set your Instagram account success backward. Hence, this section is useful for beginners who need help coming up with the best strategy for boosting impressions on Instagram.

1. Buying Instagram Impressions

Buying Instagram impressions is not a bad strategy, but there are many negatives you need to be aware of to avoid ruining your account. Here’s a list of things you need to consider when purchasing impressions for Instagram content:

  • Don’t get caught: Instagram doesn’t like it when users buy impressions to boost their stats. They actively police the platform and will punish IG accounts that break the rules. Hence, you may spend a lot of money on buying impressions, only for Instagram to shut down your account. 
  • Your audience: Don’t let your audience discover that you buy impressions on Instagram, or you might lose credibility. Audiences may feel that their account is fake and cannot trust any aspect of the posts. 
  • Fake accounts: Don’t buy impressions from fake Instagram accounts since that doesn’t add anything to your IG account. For example, fake accounts won’t lead to more followers, comments, or other engagement metrics. Automated likes just boost your like count without adding much else. 
  • Bad price: You may end up paying more for likes than they are worth. Hence, you’ll need to shop around to get a good deal. 
  • Scammers: Avoid getting scammed by doing background research on vendors. Getting scammed is the last thing you want when spending your hard-earned money to buy IG impressions for your posts.

2. Posting Infrequently Leads To Low Impressions

Increasing your impression count on Instagram is a numbers game. The more posts you release, the higher your impressions count. Therefore, you need to post content frequently to increase your chances of meeting an impression count target.

Furthermore, posting frequently ensures your audiences get into the habit of consuming your content. This leads to a constant stream of impressions for each post. However, posting frequently shouldn’t come at the expense of good quality content. Ensure that each post provides something of value.

3. Instagram Impressions Can Be A Distraction

Constantly looking at your Instagram impressions might be a massive distraction you should avoid. Regularly monitoring your analytics software to view your impressions tick upwards is not a productive use of your time. Instead, you can create more content or perfect posts to get more impressions.

Additionally, you can hire a professional to monitor Instagram metrics on your behalf and provide insight into what to do next. The cost of paying for such a professional pays for itself in the form of more user engagement. Turn the attention into sales, and you’ll justify the cost of investing in your Instagram social media strategy.

4. Don’t Target the Wrong Audience

Targeting the wrong audience leads to impressions that won’t lead to user engagement or content interaction. That’s because they are not interested in the content in front of them. This is especially true if you have niche content catering only to a specific audience.

Therefore, your Instagram content should always consider the target audience and look for overlapping sources of impressions. This makes the most of your efforts to get more impressions when posting content at peak times.

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Skyrocket Your Impression Count Using Plixi!

To summarize, Instagram impressions are one of the more important metrics in your Instagram Insights dashboard. It gives you an idea of the IG content that’s successful and what you can improve upon.

Also, you can improve your impressions on Instagram by monitoring analytics, buying impressions, posting more frequently, and more. Also, it’s a good idea to understand the benefits and drawbacks of each one.

Do you want to boost your Instagram impressions count off the charts? Then we can help you here at Plixi with our IG influencer network and in-house AI algorithm. The combination targets users so you receive relevant attention to your Instagram profile. Start growing and gaining Instagram followers today

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