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Instagram Dating Can Help You Find Your Match!

Plixi Team

Jun 13, 2024 11 min read

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Bumble. Hinge. Tinder. Instagram. Wait! Is Instagram a dating site now? Well, not technically. Nevertheless, Instagram dating is growing in popularity. These days, someone will meet you in person and ask someone what your Instagram handle is. Then, they’ll send you a message saying that they just saw you in person. 

We would love to have a conversation about how everyone is now socially awkward. But that’s not what this article is about. Social media may have thwarted your social abilities. Still, it is responsible for a lot of the unions we see today.

This year, you may go to a wedding that stemmed from someone liking enough Instagram stories. That could be you this year. Or, you want to create a page that is responsible for that. Read this article to find out more.

Instagram Dating Can Help You Find Your Match!

Is Instagram a Dating Site?

No, Instagram is not a dating site. The point of Instagram is to share photos and video content with members of your community. The people who created it did not have strictly love connections in mind. Instagram was once a place where people only communicated with people they already knew.

Admittedly, the platform has evolved drastically over time. It never used to be a place for short-form video content. Stories that last for 24 hours are still relatively new. It has evolved with the times but has not changed its main objective. 

Inadvertently, it has become an excellent place for making friends and romantic connections. Instagram creates a great platform for people to meet each other when they use this app for personal interests. You know, at least one couple met because someone slid in someone else’s DMs. It is not strictly a dating app, but it sure makes a good one.

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Why People Use Instagram for Dating

Many people had their first conversation on Instagram. While the platform is not an official dating site, people find future partners there. These days, it is normal to make a virtual connection. Do you wonder why it’s so popular for this purpose? Let’s discuss three reasons that people use Instagram for dating today.

1. It Gives a Lot of Information

On Instagram, you can find an entire database of photos of a person. Well, that is so if they are active on the platform. It is a lot more detailed than a dating app if they use it correctly. They can see photos of that person over many years. They can see how they progressed in life. 

It’s a great way to find out who their close friends and family are. You can avoid awkward situations where you dated someone in their circle already. It is a good place to see how that person wants to present themselves. You can note the person’s accomplishments over the years. They may use Facebook to share milestones like graduating college or landing a new job.

These are all points that you can use to break the ice in direct messages or real life. An active person on Instagram presents a wealth of knowledge for a prospective love interest. A dating app may limit what you can share. Also, people overly curate dating profiles.

IG also shares information about a person unintentionally. You can look through the comment section on Instagram. Find out who is constantly leaving comments under the posts. It is a great way to know if someone is in the picture.

2. You Can Crossreference With Mutual Friends 

If you were to apply for a role at a company, you would have to give a reference. To date you, someone should come with references as well, don’t you think? Instagram makes that pretty easy to do. All you have to do is look at the mutual followers. 

If you find someone you have a good rapport with, you can reach out to them. Ask them about the person you are interested in. They could give information that you may not get from an Instagram page or a dating site. 

Of course, people have their personal biases. It’s always take what you hear with a grain of salt.

3. It’s Modern and Accessible

People write songs about Instagram direct messages (the DMs). They accept it as an appropriate way to reach out to people. Meeting in person is more for vintage romance novels. Instagram dating is so popular because it is now commonplace. 

Instagram is an app that most people will already have. Your parents or your younger cousin has an account. It is more likely that a person has an Instagram app than a dating app. So, it’s the ease of accessibility that explains why it is so popular. 

Of course, it helps that it is free. You don’t have to shell out cash to find the love of your life. You could start dating on Instagram without downloading a whole new app.

You can also send disappearing messages on the platform. It’s a low-risk way to tell someone how you feel. The platform overall is a great meeting ground for people of all ages.

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How To Use Instagram for Dating

There is still a wrong method of dating on Instagram. It may not work out the way you want it to if you fumble your method. Don’t worry because we will tell you how to use Instagram for dating.

1. Optimize Your Profile

You cannot make a connection with a new person when your profile looks like a spam account. People want to know who they are getting involved with. Dating online has such a bad stigma for being dangerous for women. Sending a message from a shady account will just create a sense of suspicion.

You need to have a profile picture that resembles you. You have heard about the catfish phenomenon. Don’t do that to someone on Instagram. People come here for some sense of normalcy and accuracy. Use a photo that shows who you truly are in the best possible light.

Next, you can’t neglect that Instagram bio. This is where you create your first impression. It should accurately represent you. It should also make someone feel intrigued to find out more. If you are looking for something serious, it would make sense to put your flag in the Instagram bio. 

At least indicate where you are currently living. Long-distance relationships may not be your thing, and you don’t want to risk them. You can list your hobbies and general interests. 

Ideally, your Instagram feed should accurately show your highlights. Make sure it ties into your bio very well. Avoid using photos with filters. You may turn some people off. This is not because they’re a bad thing inherently. They just don’t show an accurate representation of how you look in person. Some people still don’t understand that people look different in real life.

2. Be Active

You’re going to have to put in some elbow grease for this to work out. You can’t just sit around and wait for people to come to you. It’s a social media platform because you have to be social. Following a bunch of people you’re interested in is not enough. 

Liking 50 of their photos to get their attention may not be the best approach. You need to make it look natural. You want to find someone with interests similar to yours organically. Go to the social media pages that represent your interests. Maybe you like dogs, travel, fashion, or celebrity gossip. Find pages dedicated to the subject areas. 

Then, you need to engage in the comment section. Reply to people and leave comments of your own. This is how you show up on people’s radars. If they’re in the comment section, they likely already have something in common with you. You have an immediate topic on which to start a conversation with someone.

You could also engage in the comment section of those relationship quote pages. See what other people say about particular topics. Maybe you’ll find someone who is in alignment with your relationship ethos.

3. Slide Into the DMs

This is when you have to act with a lot of confidence. The common section of a post is a public space. Everyone will see what you have to say there. If you want to have a private conversation, you’re going to have to send a direct message. Sending a simple “hey” will almost surely result in them ignoring you. 

Story likes aren’t enough. Ideally, you want to piggyback off of an existing conversation in the comment section. 

Or, you could respond to an Instagram story where they ask something. It should still be a natural conversation. To ensure that the conversation progresses, you could ask them a question in your initial message to them.

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How To Avoid Instagram Dating Scams

We live in a world where people exploit others when they are at their most vulnerable. They take advantage of them when they lower their guard. Most people are at their most vulnerable when looking for love. This is when the scammers attack. If you care about dating on Instagram, you need to be hyper-aware of the dark side of it all.

The Risk of Stolen Photos

Instagram does not notify you when someone takes a screenshot of your photos. It doesn’t even tell you when someone goes to your page. This sets the stage for the possibility of someone stealing your content. 

If you are a creator, you already worry that people will do this. But if you simply share photos online, you worry that someone could be impersonating you. 

Unfortunately, there are dangers attached to someone impersonating you online. What if someone uses your image as part of one of those Instagram dating scams? If a victim were to meet you in person, they may harm you. What if they make promises to people using your face?

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Protect Yourself

How can you ensure that the person is who they say they are? If you didn’t meet them in person, you can’t be sure how they look. There are a few things that you can do while looking at their Instagram profile. 

For one, you can do a reverse image search on the photos. This is when you screenshot a photo on their Instagram feed. Then, you paste that photo into a Google image search. Look at the results. Did the results show pages other than the same Instagram page? Maybe that photo is from somewhere else. You may want to do this for several photos before concluding.

Have you already started a conversation with them? This is a good time to supplement the photos on the Instagram profile. 

You could create a culture where you send photos to each other. It could initially involve fairly innocuous content like your coffee of the day or new shoes You bought. 

Then, it could gradually escalate to a place of comfort. This means that you could exchange photos with them of their actual face or videos of their surroundings. After a while, it will become difficult to maintain a fake profile. Sending the occasional voice note for good measure could help as well.

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You Could Have the Best Instagram Dating Page

Maybe your plan is not to find the love of your life on Instagram. Maybe you are in love with creating income from social media sites. You see how much social media users pay to be monthly users of dating sites. There is an extensive list of users online who want to find love. 

We can help you create the best Instagram dating page out there. We can help you grow your page from the ground up. You won’t just attract a bunch of people who follow and do nothing. 

Get a crowd of engaged people. We have the technology to do it. There is an in-house platform for Instagram influencers. They get support from intuitive AI technology. 

You can start growing your Instagram page today!

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