You say you’re putting in the work. You use all the growth tips that your Plixi experts recommend. You just want to know if they are working. It would be helpful to at least know if they’re coming to your page. So, can you see who viewed your Instagram post? The one that you worked so hard on?
People are pretty confused about what IG reports to other users. Can I see who watches my reels? Do people know when I sneak around and watch their stories? We are here to demystify that. Keep reading this article — we’re going to tell you everything.

Table of Contents
I Need Names: Who Viewed My IG Post?
Of course, you want to know who visits your profile, if only for morbid curiosity. You’re pumping out quality content with the intent to grow your page. Your follower count isn’t increasing, so you at least ask, “Can you see who views your posts on Instagram?”
The simple answer to your query is no. As a creator, IG doesn’t let you monitor who visits your profile. The app hides this information for some reason. A user can visit your profile completely undetected. They just have to make sure not to like or comment on any of your posts or videos. IG doesn’t give you any way to keep track of this.
And before you even ask, getting a business account doesn’t help. These accounts can provide information such as the number of individuals visiting your profile. You can get the information for specific periods. You can get the number of page visits. You won’t get account names, though.
Don’t count on getting help from third-party apps, either. Don’t get excited when a page advertises a feature that indicates who saw your IG profile. It’s likely that this is not a real service and isn’t a service sanctioned by Instagram. What’s our advice on the matter? Don’t take the bait and avoid them at all costs. You might give away your information to some malicious site.
At this time, there is no reason to think that IG will disclose page visits. For some reason, the social media platform keeps this information close to its chest.
I Think I Have a Stalker! Can You See Who’s Viewed Your Instagram Profile?
For all the good that IG has done, it’s made stalking quick and simple. By stalking, we aren’t talking about nefarious activity. We’re referring to visiting and perusing a person’s IG profile in an undetectable way. Availing yourself to their content without interacting with it is considered “online stalking” in that context. When you have an open IG page, anyone can come by to look without following you. This is unless you blocked them, of course. Do you ask yourself, “Can you see who’s viewed your Instagram profile?”
You don’t have to be paranoid of someone in particular. You could just be concerned that people don’t take the plunge to follow after perusing your content. Still, more often than not, people are worried that they are being watched. This is a valid concern.
Instagram’s Selective Secrecy
IG tells you about most other activities quite easily. You when other users on Instagram start following you. Do you know when someone sends and unsends a message? Your likes, comments, and shares on your posts aren’t a secret, either. You get notice of so much activity. Still, IG seems to be keeping the lurkers secret. Is there a way to change that?
IG Stopped Snitching
Maybe it was possible once to know your lurker. An upgrade changed that. IG no longer gives notifications when their profiles get views from other users. Curiosity is frequently the motivation for snooping. It’s generally harmless, but it’s normal to wonder, “Can you see who views your Instagram posts?” You mean no harm when you do it. You just want to know their identities. Unfortunately, IG has that under lock and key.
Yes, IG cherry-picks when it’s time for transparency. It’s one of those things that come with trying to become a social media influencer.

Can You See Who Views Your Instagram Video Post? Knowing Who Watches Your Reels
It makes sense that you can’t see who viewed your posts. It’s reasonable. We all scroll aimlessly, sometimes not even absorbing what we’re seeing. Could that count as a view? But IG reels should be different, right? If IG can count views, surely it can display all of the viewers, too. So, can you see who views your Instagram video post? Can you access a list of people who have watched your Instagram reel? Is my competition creeping for content clues? Is my ex exhausted with all my exciting experiences?
You may never know.
Quite anti-climactic, isn’t it? Unfortunately, IG doesn’t show this type of visitor activity. Well, for now, at least. IG has to choose how it uses its bandwidth carefully. Reels are very popular, partially because of their doing. There are also a long of reel viewers. Listing millions of viewers for a reel may not be the most useful exercise. After all, the app already counts likes, comments, saves, and shares for reels. It also breaks down the demographics in your Insights. Knowing exactly who watched may be a bit much.
Think of the Embarrassing Click-Baiting
One way IG reels resemble its older brother, YouTube, is the prevalence of clickbaiting. Have you ever started watching something that took a dark, disturbing turn? You can’t have your followers know you’re into that kind of content. It may go against your brand. The only saving us is that we never clicked the like button. One quick screenshot could get you canceled. The algorithm likes to suggest weird content sometimes to see if you’ll like it. It shouldn’t be the end of your Instagram influencer career.
Focus on What Is Important
When it comes to Instagram reels, you won’t be able to see the viewer’s actual IG handles. We promise that IG makes up for it with what it does show you. You can view the usernames of accounts who have liked your reel. This is far more useful information than those who watched it. IG also tells you the number of times accounts have views. It tells you how many times people felt led to share it, too.
The information IG shares with you is enough to build your brand. You can pivot and come back stronger with the information you have.

Can I View Private Accounts Without Their Knowing?
You see them watching your story and realize they don’t follow you. Have you ever been in this situation before? This stranger has piqued your interest and somehow created a challenge. You want to know why they didn’t stay. This is reasonable. You click on their tiny profile icon, and their page pops up. Much to your frustration, their profile is private. Sigh.
Viewing Private Accounts on IG
Is this the end of the journey? There’s a good chance you’re wondering if there is a way to view private accounts on Instagram. The same rule that applies to regular pages applies to private ones, too. You’re out of luck. The privacy regulations of Instagram protect people who want to have private accounts. Users on IG who just view profiles do not have their identities revealed.
It Goes Both Ways
Think of it as a two-way street. Other users won’t be able to identify you as a profile lurker. Similarly, you won’t be able to see who sneaks peaks at your page. This goes for your followers or even people who aren’t following you yet. IG is a lurker-friendly platform.
Your Screenshots Are Safe, Too
When you lurk, do you just look? Maybe you can take screenshots, too. People delete their content all the time on this app, so it makes sense. On occasion, you may wonder whether or not other users can see when you screenshot their content on Instagram. You don’t have to worry about that. IG users are free to capture screenshots of posts, stories, and IG bios all they want. IG will not tell the user you did this.
Private accounts don’t get special treatment, either. No account gets the privilege of knowing who visited their page. They don’t get to know why screenshot their content.

Can You See Who Views Your Instagram Posts on Your Story?
You can share videos on your Instagram story, too. This section is for those who wonder, “Can you see who views your posts on the Instagram story?” Maybe you shared something with the hope that someone specific would see it. Unfortunately, you don’t see their names on the list of people who viewed.
The truth is that you can see everybody who sees your IG story. This is even if they do not engage with it by liking it or replying to it. As you know, stories last twenty-four hours. If the person hasn’t viewed your story during that time, you won’t see their name on the list.
Do you ask this because you worry about your story view count? Story interaction affects your engagement rate, so your concern is valid. Instead of feeling discouraged, use this information for the good of the brand. The data will help you ascertain whether or not your target audience and followers align. There could be a deeper reason that your content is no longer engaging them.
Get a Business Account if You’re Serious
To see who has viewed your story, select the “Viewers” option. Typically, that appears at the bottom of the screen. IG may hide some information from you, but it lays out your story details. If you are serious about analyzing the numbers, you should switch to having a business account. With an account like this, you may use the Instagram Insights feature to plan your content. With these Instagram metrics, you gain additional information on how well your stories are doing.
When you go to your Insights, locate the “Stories” sub-section under the “Content” tab of the menu. A whole world of information is now at your fingertips. From this page, you’ll also be able to monitor how users spend time watching your stories. This information includes:
- How many users clicked the “back” button to see the story before,
- How many viewers went ahead to watch the next story,
- How many viewers exited completely?
This way, you can tell what stories enticed them and which ones turned them off. This is great information to have if you want to engage followers. If you posted a whole video, you can tell where the viewer lost interest. Maybe you’ll use time a little better next time.
What if I Want to View Stories Undetected?
Discourse around season 5 of Love is Blind brought the concept of watching stories to the forefront. Some of us go snooping for more information. In fact, a lot of us do. We felt validated to learn that we weren’t alone but horrified to find out people may notice.
Have you ever accidentally (or deliberately) seen the Instagram story of a friend or former partner? The catch is that you’d hate it if they knew you did. You’ll have to accept that they will know if they look at their list. Your name will be on the viewer list for a day.
So, yes, you can’t go watching stories as you please if you care about people knowing. The good news is that you can use this transparency to your advantage.

Can You See Who Viewed Your Instagram Post? With Plixi, Everyone Will Look!
The social media experts at Plixi have been developing tools for creatives. We’ve been at it for the last ten years, in fact. We provide an AI targeting tool in addition to our influencer platform. We offer everything you need to be successful; you just have to take advantage of them.
You can guarantee that your brand develops consistently. Why? Because we’ve done it before. You won’t be asking, “Can you see who viewed your Instagram post?” You’ll see your engagement go up. Your content will be so amazing that others will want to like, comment, and share it on Instagram. Make use of these pointers to increase your Instagram following. After that, get in touch with a Plixi professional. We believe you should begin. We can get started on gaining you more followers right now!
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