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Instagram Hashtag Strategy: Tips To Have Your Reach Soar!

A woman smiles at her cell phone while holding a laptop.

There are so many Instagram accounts out there! Some of them would love to find a page like yours. Unfortunately, your Instagram hashtag strategy is depriving them of the best. We want to help you fix this problem.  Hashtag strategies for Instagram can be tricky to formulate. It’s a good thing you have your Plixi … Read more

Instagram Reels Trends: Get Ready for Your Viral Moment!

A person records a video of a woman showing a selection of clothing.

So you’re saying you want to get in on these Instagram Reels trends? Well, it’s about time. Instagram didn’t waste any time introducing short-form videos to the platform. TikTok lit a fire under them. Like a true maven in the social media space, they rose to the occasion. It’s time your Instagram brand rose to … Read more

How To Get Customers on Instagram to Buy Your Products

A mobile device on a notebook with social media icons showing.

Are you interested in figuring out how to get customers on Instagram? You can use different strategies, and a mixture of them is the best approach. This ensures you spread your efforts and risk among the various strategies.  We’ll cover how to get customers so you can increase sales and grow your business to another … Read more

Auto Post to Instagram: Sit Back, and Relax!

A woman showing a shirt in front of her mobile phone.

You could be a regular Instagram account user. Maybe you have several social media platforms that you use. You could even be a social media manager for other social networks. There are so many possibilities. What is certain is that your workload will increase as you take on more Instagram accounts. For this reason, you … Read more

How To Get More Instagram Followers Without Buying Them!

A woman sets up her phone in front of her window to get natural light.

The secret is out! Some of your favorite creators are buying followers. It shouldn’t surprise you anymore that followers are for sale. Still, not everyone wants to take that route to get their target audience. You don’t have to do that, no matter what type of content you have. You just need to know how … Read more

Instagram Takeover: Trusting Someone Else With Your Brand

A young woman applying something on her face while holding a mirror.

When Instagram users see brands on the platform, they get a little skeptical. Of course, their content will say the best possible things about their products. That is why many brands have resorted to user-generated content (UGC) to increase their credibility.  Some brands have taken it a step further, though. They hand over posting power … Read more

How To Get Sponsored on Instagram From the Top Brands

An influencer recording a video while sitting on the couch.

Learning how to get sponsored on Instagram is an ongoing process, but there are a few basic strategies you should use. These include growing your Instagram following and having better communication skills. However, once your account gets big enough, you’ll naturally see an increase in brands finding you.  Sponsorship deals on Instagram are highly rewarding … Read more

Instagram Fan Account: Creating Community for the Fandoms

A woman browses through her mobile phone.

We live in an age where some of us have extreme loyalty to celebrities we have never met. Who can blame them? They are so abnormally talented. Unfortunately, these are celebrities they may never meet. Some of us create fan accounts to satisfy our interest in these virtual strangers.  The people who do it load … Read more