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Instagram SEO: The Key to More Visibility Online

Plixi Team

Sep 09, 2024 11 min read

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Let’s become more tech-savvy. Do you know about Instagram SEO? It’s time you did. Not knowing could be holding you back from a bigger audience. Don’t worry. We tell you all about the social media tools you need to make part of your marketing strategy.

If you knew the power of search engine optimization (SEO), you would have implemented some tricks already. Let’s talk about this amazing tool. Read on for our best tips on SEO technology!

Instagram SEO: The Key to More Visibility Online

Does Instagram Have SEO?

Instagram allows users to implement SEO tools to grow their online brand. 

SEO for Instagram is increasing the ranking of your Instagram profile among all the others on the platform. The aim is to improve the overall visibility and exposure of your posts and page on Instagram. Many content creators implement tricks to increase how many accounts see their content.

On a platform about photos and short-form videos, SEO focuses on the power of words. Using specific words can boost your chance of appearing on a search results page. To increase your following, people must find you in the first place. Optimizing your discoverability is a great way to ensure this happens.

After they find you, hopefully, they engage with your content. SEO is not just about trying to boost your page to adjust anyone. The aim is to place you in front of people who want to see your content. Using keywords is a deliberate attempt to find followers who wish to engage.

So, you won’t just make impressions. You will gain interactions.

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How To Use SEO Techniques on Instagram

You haven’t optimized the potential of your Instagram account. You’re doing great in terms of content. It’s just that people can’t find you. We guarantee four places on your Instagram account that need some SEO. 

Keep reading to find out how you can make them better.

1. Instagram Name 

No, your Instagram name is not the same thing as your Instagram handle. It is right below your profile picture. You get to decide what this says. Choose a name that people would likely look up. 

What if someone wants to find you on Instagram? They know your name after meeting randomly. They may remember the name of your business. Make sure the name on your Instagram is similar to what they know you as. 

The Instagram handle will provide limitations, so there isn’t much you can do there. But the name needs to be clear and searchable. If someone remembers your name, you are one step closer to them finding your page. Don’t ruin it with a random IG name.

2. The Bio 

Your Instagram bio is at the upper half of your page. People see it when they click on your IG handle. It also matters when people search for specific keywords. Are you in a particular industry? Maybe the Instagram page is for a medical spa or clothing boutique.

Your bio needs to include the relevant keywords for that industry. You can think of the words that will reasonably come up when considering a particular sector. Organically, include them in your bio. 

These keywords tell Instagram to recommend you in the search results. Yes, your bio matters! Of course, if you have a brick-and-mortar business, including the address link is not enough. 

State the city the company is in. It could be Los Angeles, Paris, Kingston, or Cape Town. Remember that people will search for a specific location to visit a physical place.

3. Captions on IG 

The words you use in your Instagram captions matter. IG considers them when it provides search results to its users. This information could tempt you to think it’s a place to stuff with keywords. Please don’t do that. Your caption should still be readable and not a collection of hashtags.

Using the right keywords in a caption could land you on the Instagram Explore Page. It’s a great opportunity for added visibility on the platform. Of course, you should still include Instagram hashtags.

4. Captions Video Subtitles

We can’t ignore the pervasive short-term video content on the Instagram platform. Sure, you can create your ideal keyword-filled Instagram caption. What about the users who will watch your videos without sound? 

Using captions can make your content more accessible. It would also make it more searchable. Yes, the Instagram algorithm takes into account the subtitles on videos.

Adding subtitles was always a good idea. Now you know of an extra benefit of using this feature. Does Instagram have SEO tools that you can incorporate? Yes, let’s talk about those.

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2 Instagram SEO Tools You May Not Know About

Does Instagram help SEO content? Yes. There are some Instagram SEO tools that are so easy to use. You probably have just never heard of them. 

Before you drop a post, take a moment to include these two tips.

1. Geotagging 

You can share your location on each Instagram post. Just drop location tags. Now, people will find your content when they look up this location. You just increased your visibility on the platform by sharing where you are.

You may have a physical location for a business. This tag will help people know where they can find you.

2. Alt Text

Using alternative text is a great way to increase your visibility in a hidden way. You can add descriptions to your images in a short text. Screen readers read this text. It’s not for the average person to notice. It comes in handy when people with visual impairments stumble upon your content. 

With this technology, they better understand the context of your shared content. You can include this at the last stage of posting on Instagram. Just look for the Advanced Settings tab.

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How Instagram Post SEO Differs From Traditional SEO

Search engine optimization is important to anyone trying to have a strong online presence. Instagram and SEO go hand-in-hand. However, it is not the same as traditional SEO. 

Traditional search engine optimization focuses on optimizing full web pages. It attempts to increase the visibility of web pages on Google search results. There are many aspects of a page that one has to address to optimize it.

SEO specialists do this by manipulating the titles on the webpage. It uses a meta technology. It requires using primary and secondary keywords. There is also a sophisticated back-linking technology that one must consider when optimizing a web page.

While doing this, writers must ensure that the page is still readable. They can’t just smash a bunch of keywords onto a page and hope that Google shows it preference. It’s quite an involved process.

Instagram SEO would be different as an Instagram page differs from a webpage. There are various sections on an IG page that require optimization. The Instagram name, bio, captions, and subtitles required specific attention. 

The aim is to increase the chances of a page appearing in search results. Instagram post SEO and traditional SEO share some similarities but differ.

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Making the Best of Your Instagram Caption SEO

Do you know how to choose your keywords? So many creators would take the route of easing AI technology. But you are a hands-on influencer. You want your followers to feel your energy as they read your content. We have some tips to keep that personal touch while being effective.

Think of Your Target Audience’s Needs

Put yourself in the position of your ideal follower. What are they looking for on Instagram? What would they search for if they had to go looking for you? You might think from the vantage point of a business person. Think of what a consumer would be looking for.

Sometimes, you shouldn’t think of the most obvious thing. Are you a beauty influencer? Don’t just post keywords about beauty topics. Include content around fashion and lifestyle as well. People who like beauty typically like many types of related content, too.

They have diverse interests but are still part of your target audience. Start with a primary keyword and consider the related keywords as well.

Use Keywords Related to Your Page

A single post might just show a subset of what you offer on Instagram. You don’t want to limit the reach of this post by using only directly relevant hashtags. You also want to include pertinent keywords to other content on your page. 

Maybe this post only pertained to travel content since you are a travel influencer. Feel free to include keywords that mention other things on your page. Perhaps you advise on saving up for a trip. They wouldn’t know if the post avoided those keywords. 

Widen the possible reach of your content with these tips. Now, you can create an Instagram caption with SEO embedded in it.

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An Instagram Hashtags SEO Plan That Will Generate Leads

It’s also a good idea to transform your relevant keywords into relevant hashtags. Of course, there is a science to how to use hashtags for your posts. Learning it now and using it in your long-term strategy on Instagram is important.

These are the three types of hashtags that content creators should be incorporating. Let’s talk about each of them in turn.

1. Popular 

Your popular hashtags will include the general keywords the average person will search for on a topic. They may type “coffee,” “summer vacations,” or “Macbooks.” This will get them a wide range of options. They may see many posts when they use vague language like this.

As for your content, it will have to fight for visibility among these posts. Instagram may prioritize the posts with the most engagement. Or it will show the most recent posts. You can’t depend solely on popular hashtags for visibility.

2. Niche 

You may have to be more specific with your keywords. There are Instagram users who will type more unique words in the search bar. Perhaps they want results centered around a certain location. Possibly, their interests are a subset of a wider topic.

Their keyword may include “#CoffeeShopInSouthDakota,” “#SummerVacationInBali,” “#EuropeanSummerTripIdeas,” or “#RoseGoldMacBookAir.” These keywords will generate much fewer results. They should also bring up relevant content about a specific topic.

Your target audience has a much higher chance of seeing you with these hashtags. The users searching with these keywords want to find what you have to share. Incorporate enough of them to make sure they see your content.

3. Branded

Here is a trick that big names like Nike, Coca-Cola, and Disney use. They create branded hashtags to increase their online disability. They encourage followers to post content using specific hashtags. This user-generated content (UGC) forms a database full of content that uses the specified hashtags.

Now you have all the information to curate an Instagram hashtags SEO plan. A good SEO strategy will include attention to hashtags as well.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Instagram SEO Keywords

It seems more people understand the importance of Instagram SEO keywords. There are a lot of questions online about this unique technology. If you have questions, hopefully, you’ll find these answers helpful.

FAQ: How do you use SEO on Instagram?

You use search engine optimization on Instagram by optimizing different aspects of your Instagram page. You can optimize your Instagram name, bio, and captions on posts.

FAQ: What does SEO stand for on Instagram?

SEO stands for search engine optimization. It is the process of increasing the chances of particular results coming up in a search. It incorporates major and minor keywords to make a page more favorable to a search engine.

FAQ: Are hashtags like SEO?

Hashtags are not like search engine optimization. They are useful for increasing visibility on Instagram’s platform, which allows people to find your content using hashtags. Instagram has been a long-standing tool for content creators.

FAQ: Does Instagram bio affect SEO?

Yes, your Instagram bio affects your search engine optimization on Instagram. Your keywords will affect how easily other Instagram users find your page. It is one aspect of your Instagram account that you should try to optimize.

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Does Instagram Help SEO? Yes, but So Can We!

We already know you’ll see the difference when implementing these tips. That doesn’t mean it should be your only plan to increase your online following. You should take a very robust approach to mastering social media platforms.

It’s time for an IG growth specialist. Plixi has a long-standing reputation for excellence in the industry. We want to help you just like you’ve helped numerous clients before you. 

Our advanced AI targeting algorithm is just what you need to reach your target audience. Just ask our in-house platform for Instagram influencers.

Your Instagram SEO is about to get a lot better. You just need to sign up with Plixi today!

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