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Instagram Follow Limit: How IG Stops You in Your Tracks!

Plixi Team

Jun 11, 2024 10 min read

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There is an IG page for every random interest that you might have. Did you go through a candle-making phase? There are tutorial pages for that. Did you binge-watch a toxic show and need to follow up with the actors? Naturally, you followed them on Instagram. Did you meet a random girl at a bar one night and promise to keep in touch? You didn’t exchange numbers, but you follow each other on Instagram. Whoops! Now you’re at your Instagram follow limit!

Did you even know that existed? Yes, instead of post limits, IG imposes a daily limit on how many people you can follow. Yes, you can post all you want to Instagram stories, but certain actions get a cap at a certain point. It’s all in the name of keeping the social media platform safe. Your Plixi gurus will tell you all about these limits and what they mean for you!

Instagram Follow Limit: How IG Stops You in Your Tracks!

Is There a Follow Limit on Instagram That We Have To Follow?

IG wants you to have fun on this app, just not too much fun. It wants you to find accounts that inspire you to follow them. That’s why they even suggest accounts now. However, they don’t want you to go overboard. Like overprotective parents, they step in when they think your behavior is detrimental to yourself. Now, you may be asking, “So, Is there a follow limit on Instagram?” The answer is yes.

Instagram restricts the number of people a user may follow daily. IG doesn’t regard a rampant following spree as particularly human behavior. Therefore, they step in this way to prevent accounts from potentially spamming on the app. Maniacally following accounts is very bot-like behavior in IG’s eyes. The app is very wary of people going against the community standards and steps in where they think it’s appropriate.

The person may have ulterior motives for following a large number of accounts so soon. Maybe the account is bound to some kind of follow-for-follow agreement. Instagram wants you to follow accounts because you love the photographs and want to see more. You’re supposed to like the content those people share genuinely. It shouldn’t be because you want to promote yourself through some kind of reciprocal agreement.

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What Are the Limits on This Social Media Platform?

According to Instagram, you aren’t allowed to follow more than 7500 accounts in total. If you’re an active follower on Instagram, you should keep this in mind. With IG constantly suggesting new pages to you, it can be tempting to follow them all. Don’t forget it even if you think you won’t follow that many people. 

IG may be on to something. They likely know why they chose this number. For your mental health, maybe you should look into the accounts that you follow. It could be useful to have a personal Instagram following limit. If you’re getting close to reaching that limit, it’s a good idea to browse your followers and refine the list. See if any accounts simply don’t align with the content you want or need to see. There may be inactive accounts that you wouldn’t notice if you unfollowed. Some accounts aren’t related to your interests anymore that you might discontinue following.

You might find a page that you only followed when you were in a phase. Maybe you followed because it collaborated with a brand you liked. Upon following, you realized you hated its content. It happens.

Maybe you want following to be a two-way street. There are tools out there that allow you to see who you are following but aren’t following you back. It’s probably a good idea to stop following these accounts if you don’t care for their content, out with the old and in with the new. Make room in your following list for more recent additions.

IG doesn’t place those kinds of limits on you, of course. There is no Instagram following limit to the number of individuals who may follow you on this platform. In that case, the limit does not exist!

Let’s talk about the actual limits, though.

The Daily Follow Limit

Currently, there is even a maximum number of people an Instagram account may follow in a single day. This is between 150 and 200 on average. This number may be at around 100 for Instagram users who are just getting started on the platform. This may sound like a lot, but it may surprise you to know how easy it is.

Because of this, think twice before you follow an account. Keep things as natural as possible when using Instagram, but be aware that IG is watching. You’ll be able to start following around 10 IG pages in an hour. Just know that rampant following is one of those actions IG associates with bots. It’s important to follow only a select few profiles at first on Instagram. Avoid being accused of spamming because IG will leverage sanctions against you if they need to.

The Daily Unfollow Limit

You can’t even unfollow in peace. IG doesn’t let you do that, either. What is the daily Instagram following limit on the number of IG profiles that you may unfollow? Do you have an account that has been around for a while? The maximum number of accounts you may unfollow on Instagram every day is 200.

Instagram only lets you unfollow 60 accounts in an hour. This can be frustrating as you look at your like count. Maybe you’ve gone overboard and need to cleanse your feed. Luckily, IG has heard your concerns and has made the process easier. There is a new function on Instagram that is called ‘Least Interacted With.’

This is a list of the fifty IG profiles with whom you have had the fewest interactions. These may range from fake accounts to celebrity accounts. You can mass unfollow them without thinking. If you unfollow all of them, you will be taken to another list of fifty. If you are going to unfollow a large number of IG pages, start this way. You can cover a lot more ground in a shorter amount of time. IG likely recognizes that this is the deliberate action of an IG user and not a mindless Instagram bot.

How To Find the Accounts You Interact With the Least

Do you know how to find the accounts with the least interaction? We can help with that. Just follow these tips.

  1. Find your way to your Instagram profile by tapping on your profile picture.
  2. Select the “Following” option.
  3. Navigate to the “Categories” page and select the “Least Interacted With” option. IG has used its tools to determine that you don’t interact with these pages very much. Well, at least in the last few months.
  4. You can sort through to unfollow certain pages. You might see pages you don’t remember following. Doing this will protect your engagement rate.

Not Surprisingly, You Want To Know How To Turn Off Follow Limit on Instagram

Restrictions on Instagram are in place to keep the platform safe. Yes, you’ve heard this before. You don’t see how following many people makes the platform unsafe. These rules truly can be difficult to navigate for a lot of IG users. This especially goes for the active ones eager to follow back. Now you’re asking how to turn off the follow limit on Instagram. If you’re that serious about it, consider making use of automated technologies. Some third-party apps claim to exceed these restrictions without running the danger of bans.

Consider Third-Party Apps

AiGrow is one such tool. It is known that several Instagram users experience difficulties as a result of Instagram’s strict limitations. However, AiGrow claims to be able to overcome these obstacles.

They promise you won’t risk getting banned or blocklisted if you utilize AiGrow. You can peacefully unfollow a large number of users on Instagram at once. It offers a tool for bulk unfollowing. This will come in handy, particularly if you have a lot of unfollowing to do.

They offer following and liking services as well. They say that experienced account personnel perform tasks on your behalf. Just pick which actions you want them to handle. 

Hopefully, using third-party apps that allow you to mass unfollow users will not result in the termination of your account. The idea that your Instagram account is physically operated by a professional staff may concern you. How can they truly guarantee to comply with Instagram’s restriction regulations? Be careful if the apps or service providers require your login details. Having your account compromised is a headache you don’t want to have.

You may find IG’s restrictions to be annoying. They can be. Please understand that they are essential for ensuring our safety. They are simply how the platform tries to find fake accounts. Perhaps they will refine their methods in the future.

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How To Limit Who Can See Your Followers on Instagram: I Need To Follow People in Private!

Sometimes, your follower list creates unnecessary drama on Instagram. Who wants that? What you want is options for how to limit who can see your followers on Instagram. Switching Instagram to private mode is a good way to hide your followers from other users.

You are unable to conceal the total number of people who follow your page. Still, you may conceal who it is that follows you and who you follow.

People who don’t follow you won’t see who follows you. They won’t be able to click on the number to peruse the following. If you have one person in mind, remember that they can’t currently be a follower. Simply following the instructions below will enable you to make your Instagram profile private.

  1. Click on the profile icon to go to your page. It’s in the lower-right corner of the screen.
  2. After that, select the three horizontal lines at the top right of the screen. Select “Settings”
  3. Click on the “Privacy” tab.
  4. Activate the “Private Account” option by toggling the switch.

This may be a bit extreme. Consider blocking the person who you want to hide this information from. That way, you won’t have to sacrifice the whole page. You won’t get access to the tool you need for growth as a private account.

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The Instagram Follow Limit per Day Doesn’t Limit How Much You Can Grow

Don’t even focus on the Instagram follow limit per day. The sky is the limit for how many followers you can get. Your growth experts at Plixi can make it happen, too. Take the limits off your potential. With our AI targeting algorithm and platform of Instagram influencers on deck, you can reach your potential. We won’t settle for the fake followers that just come to add numbers. We want to get you real people with real interest in your content. We care about your sustained growth. It’s no wonder our results speak for themselves. Are you ready? Start growing and gaining Instagram followers today.

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