It’s not that you’re a hater, but nobody is that happy all the time. Why are the photos so perfectly orchestrated? Those two-year-olds are well-behaved, and your husband looks like a Ken doll. It’s the middle of the Monday from hell, and this seemingly unemployed person is prancing through Europe. Again. You know you shouldn’t, but you can’t help but compare your life to perfect strangers online. Worse than that, you compare yourself to your contemporaries. It may be time to deactivate Instagram, at least for a little bit.
You can always come back to it later. Right now, you need to prioritize your mental health. No one could judge you if you went to your mobile browser and unplugged from social content. Social media platforms provide a lot of good but also come with some drawbacks.

Table of Contents
Before You Deactivate Instagram, Consider These Reasons
For up to a year, you can temporarily deactivate Instagram account. IG will hide your profile, images, comments, and likes when you disable your account. They won’t be visible again until you log back in. But do you want to deactivate Instagram? Social networking has some incredible advantages, and we plan to consider them.
You shouldn’t spend all your valuable spare time on it, of course. Still, here are a few reasons why Instagram may be worth keeping. Before you decide to delete your account, take into mind these advantages of Instagram.
- You can feel closer to your family.
Instagram is a platform that many of us use to communicate with people we no longer regularly see. This includes family members and friends. Instagram is a great tool for this. You can maintain relationships with the individuals you care about more than the general public.
You have the option to have a private account. There is also a Close Friends feature. You have improved security this way with these common privacy settings. You can curate IG to be what you need it to be. - Earn money.
You shouldn’t deactivate Instagram if you use it for commercial purposes. Do you know how to get brand deals on Instagram? We can help you with that at Plixi. Instagram could be a source of income if done correctly. - It’s a wonderful resource for information.
You can access news and updates from your favorite companies and news sources quickly on Instagram. Compared to other platforms, it makes information easier to consume due to its visual aspect. If you want to find out opening hours, you check a company’s Instagram highlights. If you want to catch up on the news, you find the news account.
How to Deactivate Instagram on Desktop
Instagram advises you first to try to deactivate your account before permanently deleting it. Deleting your account is a permanent and final action. You don’t want to do that without being sure. If you do that, there is a chance that the account and all of your stuff will still be retrievable. We will tell you how to deactivate Instagram.
Everyone needs a vacation from social media by temporarily deactivating their Instagram account. Use this time to consider if you truly want to remove your Instagram account completely.
The procedure of temporarily deactivating your account is an easy one to complete. A desktop computer will be enough for the task. This is how you do it:
- Launch the web browser on your desktop.
- Visit the Instagram website.
- To access your account, please log in.
- To edit your profile, go to the top right corner of the page and click on your profile image.
- Click the Edit Profile button.
- To temporarily disable your account, scroll down the page.
- Select the link that says “Temporarily Disable My Account.”
- When asked why you are deactivating your account, select one of the available options.
- Please reenter your password if prompted.
- Select the option to Disable My Account Temporarily. To verify, click the Yes button.

Let’s Make This Quick. This Is How to Deactivate Instagram on Phone
If you believe that your break will only be brief, you do not have to delete your account completely. You have the option to deactivate it instead temporarily. Even if you deactivate your account, the information will still be there. The deactivation only makes it inactive and will not be visible on the system until you choose to revive it. We can show you how to deactivate Instagram on Phone.
This is how you deactivate your account quickly while on the go:
- Select your Profile picture (bottom right of screen)
- Select the Three horizontal lines menu icon
- Settings and privacy
- Choose Accounts Center
- Go to Personal details
- Select Account Ownership and control
- Choose between deactivation or deletion
- Then select the account you want to deactivate.
- Choose Deactivate account
- Type in your password when prompted
- Select Continue
- Choose your reason for deactivating
A significant number of the platform’s users have abandoned it. They worry for both their physical and psychological well-being. Instagram influencers always seem to be looking their best. It can often cause them to compare themselves unfavorably to what they see on Instagram. Social media rarely presents reality in its true form. Users nevertheless run the risk of developing mental health issues such as depression and social anxiety.
Temporarily Deactivate Instagram To Give Yourself a Break
You have decided to deactivate Instagram. There could be many reasons you arrived here. Your reasons to temporarily deactivate Instagram are valid.
You’ve probably heard people resorting to deleting their social media accounts altogether. Deactivation is not the same thing. The implications are a lot more temporary. You may just want to take a moment away from the noise. Deactivation allows you to gather yourself and return later.
It’s important to know the effect of deactivating an account. It doesn’t matter why you need to deactivate your Instagram account settings. You need to be familiar with the process of deactivating Instagram accounts.
When you deactivate an Instagram account, you lose nothing. When you reactivate, everything will be just as it was before. Your Instagram following list order, images, comments, Reels, and likes are still here.

Did They Deactivate Instagram? Or Are You Just Blocked?
You notice that someone you follow on Instagram hasn’t posted in quite some time. There could be several reasons for this. Did they deactivate Instagram? They may have deleted their account entirely. Here are several methods to check an Instagram account to see whether the account is truly gone from the platform.
- Attempt to locate the user.
So, you notice that an Instagram account you follow is no longer appearing in your feed. The first thing you should do is search for that account on Instagram to see if you can locate it. When someone deactivates or deletes an account, it will no longer be visible in search results.
You need to look for the person’s name and username. This way, you verify whether or not someone deactivated their account. To accomplish this, launch the Instagram app on your device. Go to the Search box, and then put in the person’s handle or Username. - Use your web browser.
In your browser’s address box, enter “”. If you don’t have access to the account, a “Sorry, this page isn’t available” notice will show. It suggests they have either blocked you or deactivated the account. The next step will explain what it is. - Use another account.
When someone deactivates an Instagram account, the content of that account disappears from the app. It is no longer viewable by anybody. Nobody can see it, and nobody has looked for it.
Even if a person has blocked you, other users will be able to find and contact that individual through searches. Dust off that burner account. Reach for your friend’s account. If the page shows up as signed in to another account, they may have blocked you.
Taking the Big Step To Delete Instagram Account
It felt sweet to deactivate Instagram. Now you want to go all the way. Just know that the stakes are way higher. When you delete your Instagram account, you are doing something far more permanent. When you delete your account, everything in your Instagram history disappears immediately. You won’t get it back. This will result in the permanent deletion of all of your photographs, videos, and story archives. It would be like your messages, likes, and followers never existed. You will not be able to retrieve them. It will be as if you never even created the account in the first place.
If you accept this, let’s keep going. Delete your Instagram account on your PC by following these steps. This is the procedure to follow:
- Launch the web browser on your desktop.
- Navigate to the Delete Your Account page on Instagram.
- If you are not currently logged in, please follow the on-screen instructions to log in to your account.
- When asked why you are deactivating your account, select one of the available options.
- Please reenter your password if prompted.
- Click the option to Delete My Account Completely.
Note that 30 days after this deletion request, your account’s contents will be permanently deleted. What if you really go through with deleting your account and then later decide that you want to use Instagram again? You still have the option to do so. However, you will not be able to reactivate your previous account.
You won’t be able to create a new account using the same username as the previous one.

Why Deactivating Instagram Account Could Be a Good Decision
Do you feel like your mental health is deteriorating or that you are losing major chunks of your day to Instagram? It may be beneficial for you to delete your Instagram account. If that is too much, maybe a simple deactivation is in order. If you think you want to deactivate Instagram, consider the following:
- Are you addicted or obsessed?
Using social media regularly might potentially lead to addiction. The user gets extremely involved with online activities. They get an uncontrolled want to browse through social media pages. When they’re bored, they scroll. When they’re nervous, they scroll. When they can’t help not knowing about something, they snoop and scroll. - Do you use the app safely?
People will be able to pinpoint your location if your profile is visible to the public. In extremely unusual situations, this might put a person at risk of stalking or kidnapping. Do you post pictures on the internet often? It’s not uncommon for nefarious people to steal photos to create fake accounts. Someone could take your photos to catfish someone. Luckily, there is Instagram verification now. You can make sure that your identity is safe by paying a fee every month. - Is your life moving on without you?
Doing it for the Gram is robbing us of living in the moment. The need to document everything needs regulation. You can’t have your camera out all the time. You could find that you can be more present in your day-to-day life if you abstain from using Instagram. We under creating content, but it is okay to keep some moments between you and your loved ones.
Consider these questions before you decide to deactivate your Instagram account.

Don’t Give Up Just Yet. Plixi Is Here.
Plixi guides both aspiring and seasoned social media influencers. Do you struggle to set yourself out from the crowd? Are you disgruntled with social media? Don’t deactivate Instagram. Being well-known on Instagram is achievable. We can help.
Building a loyal following isn’t easy. It takes time, experimenting and deliberate action. Consider collaborating with an industry authority. You might be able to increase the efficacy of your Instagram marketing strategies by using Plixi. Increase the number of people who are engaged in active network activity. Plixi provides you with the chance to amass devoted followers who interact with your content.
We can achieve this because of our in-house team of experts and the advanced AI targeting abilities they have. As a result, customers might expect both short-term and long-term growth in the company. Let’s begin extending your reach and expanding our audience!
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Plixi helps you get more Instagram followers, likes and comments (and a bunch of other stuff) 10x faster.
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