Instagram Photo Downloader
Save Instagram photos in full original quality from any public or private profile to your device.
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Here is a one-size-fits-all universal social media downloader. You can download not only Instagram content, but you can also save content from Facebook, Twitter and Twitch. Keep any content from IG, FB and other social platforms you like on your device whenever you want.
Save Instagram photos in full original quality from any public or private profile to your device.
Download Instagram PhotosSave Instagram videos in full original quality from any public or private account to your device.
Download Instagram VideoDownload Instagram stories in high quality from any public or private account without watermark.
Download Instagram StoriesDownload and save all Instagram profile data in one click – your everlasting archive always at hand.
Download Instagram ProfileDownload Instagram Reels in original HD quality and save them to your device.
Download Instagram ReelsCalculate your Instagram engagement rate and compare it to your competitors.
Calculate Instagram Engagement